As if Jess didn't have enough to do. Here's the deal, on Modern V. I am a lurker. I will post stupid stuff looking for a laugh, but even know I ride 24/7 I am still a mental midget when it comes to technical know how. I have watched people get slammed who are new to the scooter scene, and in good fashion I have watched those posts get locked. Now I love scootering, I love to promote scootering, and I am ecstatic when someone is about to become a new rider. But the other day, when talking to a new scooterist, I was hesitant to recommend Modern V. for info because I knew there was a chance that they might get slammed for asking a "Stupid Question".
Then I thought to myself that this was crazy. Modern V. is the best possible site for info and was started on the premise that other sites were just too unfriendly to the newbie's. So I have a suggestion. How about a Newbie Forum, where the Technoids and the hard cores can just avoid all together, and the welcomers and promoters can answer all the stupid questions asked. I would even volunteer as a moderator for that area. Stupid is definitely my area of expertise.
It's just that I REALLY, REALLY, enjoy riding more than I enjoy posting and when I look at all the friends I have today thanks to scootering I figure, "Hey, you can never have enough friends" so what do you say? Newbie's Forum? Let me know, it's worth my time.