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Harvey wrote:
MoonDancer wrote:
After I have selected and read a thread, I cannot go back to the list and must start a new search all over again.

I wasn't aware of these problems. I've amended the search guide for Internet Explorer users.
Please try it out and let me know how it works out for you.


Thanks, that new guidance works like a champ. I suspect that a lot of new users will need to be steered to that specific guidance.
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michael_h wrote:
I have no problem with new members asking a common question for what may seem like the millionth time. New responses can add new, helpful, information. Likewise, they may present the answer in a more understandable manner.

Just because a question was answered once doesn't mean that it was answered best.

Most importantly, every member on this forum was a noobie at one time, and someone took the time to answer their questions.
And I would add:

It's better to ask a stupid question now than make a stupid mistake later.

Especially while riding a scooter.

BTW, we are all experienced at some things and quite ignorant at absolutely everything else.
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