davidcharnley wrote:
I will be travelling down to glasgow from aberdeen tonight. Just wandering if you guys have any tips for longish trips like this it will furthest ive ever gone. . .
Thanks alot David
Not all of this will apply, but, approx 50 miles, it's about 1h30 to 2h depending on the kind of roads you take (and scoot you have, too, I guess), see what is useful here:
Tips include - stop for a break! I'd take about 1 break in a journey this long. See what is local , perhaps a small-ish cafe and help out the local small businesses. Or go buy something and find somewhere scenic and enjoy a packed lunch.
Bring a camera, if you want to keep a few memories.
When you're visiting a new town (Glasgow in this case), carry a map, or GPS. I personally prefer a good old-fashioned map. You will enjoy learning the roads in a new town (assuming its not rush hour - may want to avoid this?)
Nighttime gets VERY cold you may step outside to empty your trash, and may seem just warm enough, but when you're travelling, it gets cold pretty quick because you're going fast. So, wrap up. I usually wear a shirt+sweater+ski jacket if its a small local journey, otherwise AGATT (all gear at all time or whatever the abbreviation is) if you have it. It's nighttime, there are some stupid drivers and some drunk ones too, if you have a hi-vis , wear it at night, esp, in a new city where you are not familiar with the roads (?).
You may want to bring a thermos too, with a nice hot drink.
Enjoy the ride