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Hello again everyone, I have been out of the country for the last 4 months. I was In Egypt and it was a mixture of everything from completely awesome to extraordinary infuriating. But that's now why I'm here.
I'm having some trouble with my start ups. I have read some other postings on the issue and it sound like sometimes the posters are posting about a problem like mine but the responses always seam to take it somewhere else.

The Problem: this has been happening with time more and more often now it happens about 3/8 of the times I try to start it. The brake is engaged; I press the start button and hear nothing but a spinning sound. The longer I hold the start button the faster it spins. I let go of the start button then the spinning quickly slows down and stops. I would say 1 to 2 seconds after I let go of the button the momentum of the spinning has gone. I try it again sometimes it happens again but it always eventually starts.
My thoughts: I'm thinking something with the starter. Then I read some prior posting and the spark plug boot and coil kept being mentioned. I went and tried it and now have to say with pretty much confidence that it can't be the spark plug or boot. When I disconnect the boot and try to start it happens what I expect. The starter engages and tries to turn over the engine but without the spark of the plug no combustion. So I believe my problem comes before the sparkplug on the chain.
In my head the starter should engage and spin some kind of wheel that turns the cylinder and sucks in some juice which then ignites. I think what is going wrong is that somewhere between the starter engaging and spinning the "some kind of" wheel there is something going wrong.

What do you all think? I know I wrote a lot and for that I apologize, just want to give you all the chance to make the most informed opinion. Do you all think one of these "wheels" have some broken teeth and the wheels are sitting right which sometimes makes the starter just spin without catching? And whatever hypothesis you all might have can you all maybe give some suggestions on how I can check on that possible hypothesis without first taking it all apart. Maybe what I can do to dismiss certain possibilities.
Alright everyone thanks for taking the time to read this and if you all want to comment thanks for taking the time for doing that too.
Great to be back in the U S of A even though it's a rough time!
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I have a 2004 GT with about 15k miles on it. A couple months ago I had some increasing problems like that till one day at work it just would never engage. The starter is attached to what most folks call a Bendix but it's kind of a centrifugal clutch that expands when the starter motor runs and engages the engine etc. It's possible that this part is getting 'sticky' or something for you. The replacement for me was $173.53 including labor so it's not a huge bill. Ride it to a dealer before you get stranded and let them listen.
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Sounds like your battery is low!

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peace..I'm out...
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lomunchi wrote:
I have a 2004 GT with about 15k miles on it. A couple months ago I had some increasing problems like that till one day at work it just would never engage. The starter is attached to what most folks call a Bendix but it's kind of a centrifugal clutch that expands when the starter motor runs and engages the engine etc. It's possible that this part is getting 'sticky' or something for you. The replacement for me was $173.53 including labor so it's not a huge bill. Ride it to a dealer before you get stranded and let them listen.
This is what it sounds like to me. The starter motor is spinning, but it is not engaging the crankshaft to turn the engine over.
Welcome home.
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2004 GT200
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2004 GT200
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thanks for the help
Hey thanks for the comments. And thanks lomunchi for your input on your experience, it does sound like its the same thing. And mechanically it makes sence that its something like that.
Now do you remember or anyone know if there is a specific name of the part that needs replacment. I would kind of like replacing the part myself, not so much because of the price but more because its a hobby I have with my truck and would love to get into my Vespa too.

So yea if anyone has a name on the part that might need to go and maybe some ideas how to get to it, that would be nice. I have looked over the workshop manual but havent found much info on that connection from the starter to the crankshaft. Ok thanks people
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Have a look at page 44 of the GT200 parts manual. It shows an exploded view of the starter assembly. It also gives names and part numbers; the bendix is part number 82612R. Your dealer should be able to quote price and order for you. The GT parts manual Jess has in the Tech Library here is the UK version. The US version part no. is very likely the same - your dealer ought to be able to confirm that.
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