I've taken to riding Saturday mornings on Scenic Dr along the Colorado river known locally as Lake Travis and the accompaning hills...This is in the heart of Austin, near downtown.
The narrow street of Stratford twists and curves uphill and downhill at severe degrees along side the river and hidden neighborhoods where trees grow over in many parts to almost full shade. The light dapples the lanes with names like Youpon Valley Rd, Live Oak Ridge and Red Bud Trail. The only traffic is joggers, dogs walking their owners, bicyclists, deer and squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels.
This morning I co-cordinated with my Excaliber grey 250 with my yellow, grey and black emsemble with a hot pink neck scarf ... which flickers nicely about in the breeze... I looked Smashing. 8)
As my ride took me along the river and back roads to Zilker Park, a massive park which is used for every possible productional and cultural event, I approached the sculling and kayak boat rental docks. There, at the entrance of the tiny marina with it's awaiting armada, a man caught a glimpse of me. He, immediately, stood ramrod straight at full attention and saluted me as I neared and passed by...I, of course, sat straight in the saddle and returned his salute....It was a spontaneous moment befitting our magnificent machines ....... ....... and my Smashing ensemble.
I took some pics for you, too. Notice the road signs...