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Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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I've taken to riding Saturday mornings on Scenic Dr along the Colorado river known locally as Lake Travis and the accompaning hills...This is in the heart of Austin, near downtown.
The narrow street of Stratford twists and curves uphill and downhill at severe degrees along side the river and hidden neighborhoods where trees grow over in many parts to almost full shade. The light dapples the lanes with names like Youpon Valley Rd, Live Oak Ridge and Red Bud Trail. The only traffic is joggers, dogs walking their owners, bicyclists, deer and squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels.
This morning I co-cordinated with my Excaliber grey 250 with my yellow, grey and black emsemble with a hot pink neck scarf ... which flickers nicely about in the breeze... I looked Smashing. 8)
As my ride took me along the river and back roads to Zilker Park, a massive park which is used for every possible productional and cultural event, I approached the sculling and kayak boat rental docks. There, at the entrance of the tiny marina with it's awaiting armada, a man caught a glimpse of me. He, immediately, stood ramrod straight at full attention and saluted me as I neared and passed by...I, of course, sat straight in the saddle and returned his salute....It was a spontaneous moment befitting our magnificent machines ....... ....... and my Smashing ensemble.
I took some pics for you, too. Notice the road signs...
Oyster Landing Marina Cafe deck on Lake Travis
Oyster Landing Marina Cafe deck on Lake Travis
At Red Bud Isle Where Lake Travis Flows under Emmett Sheldon Bridge
At Red Bud Isle Where Lake Travis Flows under Emmett Sheldon Bridge
Red Bud Trail the entrance to the hills and Stratford Lane
Red Bud Trail the entrance to the hills and Stratford Lane
Narrow Scenic Dr
Narrow Scenic Dr
Scenic Drive at river's edge
Scenic Drive at river's edge
River Ride
River Ride
Entrance to Scenic Drive
Entrance to Scenic Drive
Cliffs and Twists
Cliffs and Twists
Stratford...pic through the shield...
Stratford...pic through the shield...
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nice pics of the scenery, but no pics of you and you scoot Crying or Very sad emoticon

Piaggio MP3 400
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Piaggio MP3 400
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Oh yeah, I wanna see the pink scarf dancing off the breeze with you on your scoot!!!!

Come on Jacq that description deserves a picture.

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Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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pics of me will come when my neighbor gets backs from Paris...That horn dog, gnarly gadfly, cow tick sucking painted night crawler.....
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"On the road again..............." by:
Yowza Jacq....that's some Saturday morning ride and some really nice pics you took....and might I add, in some real sassy color combowear! Eyelashes emoticon What a way to start your day..........and the experience you're getting on your MP3 makes me jealous and Proud of You! How far is that from your home & how long were you riding?
Thumbs up.....YOU Rocked it in Pink
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40 years ago I was in Austin for junior high school while my dad was in graduate school at Texas. Back then I rode the area on a 1 speed bicycle. What a great place to ride an MP3. Take advantage of it and keep us posted so we can dream about it.
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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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Re: Saturday Morning Ride
[quote="Jacq"] There, at the entrance of the tiny marina with it's awaiting armada, a man caught a glimpse of me. He, immediately, stood ramrod straight at full attention and saluted me as I neared and passed by...

Obviously, they don't have mental homes near Jacq's home.. Razz emoticon

I read this and couldn't get the song "That's Amore.." by Dean Martin outta my head. You go girl!

Awesome pics and scenery. Wish the area around my house looked like that. I have to drive a good 20 miles before I can really hit the twisties. But at least there are a lot of mountain roads that are infamous around me. I love the idea of a Saturday morning ride, especially one that ends down near a marina...sounds and looks beautiful. Now you just have to get your own little personal boat to ride to and take off in for the day. You can put a little hula gal on the dash too, but with a pirate or captain's hat on instead!
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Molto Verboso
Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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Molto Verboso
@jacq avatar
Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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These wonderful twisty and severe uphill and downhills are everywhere. I rode this route in about an hour and 3/4..and the route is less than 10 minutes from my house. The ride can be any length of time I want...I reconned a route this morning I'm hoping will be about three hours of breath taking turns overseeing shady lanes, canyons and multiple ridges...One day Jerry W from Dallas will be down and I'll know what route to take him on and for how long...he's in for a treat.
I feel like the luckiest person alive when I ride the hills...of course, I'll be checking those brake pads more often... Actually, I practice what I learned in MSF school. This challenging routes test my ability to take the curves...Most of these hill country roads ride like what the pics I've seen of that 18 mile long Dragon whatcha ma call it Road...
Anyway..if you guys can stand it, I'll take more pics of the next route I ride...I'm mapping it out today. I drive the routes to find out where the danger points are and then I ride it on the scooter...The best part of that is I get to take my elderly mother with me...She ooos and ahhs over it all. Since she's from the cotton growing black flatlands of Texas, these canyons and hills look like a beautiful foreign country to her...She gets such a thrill...We have a blast swirling through the hills and I get some much need recon done....


Oh yeah, and Austin is fun city....You can't count the bumper stickers that read: KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD...well, God knows I'm doing my part...Actually, guys ... I was thrilled to get the salute...It's so hard to stand out here...the hot pink scarf helps.
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What a beautiful country...
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Cool, i my wife and I just moved from Austin back to NYC, I miss the scenery. My wife worked for Apple Corp. We lived right across the street from Apple and Sun Micro systems on Legendary drive. LOL, My wife is a little upset about the move but she got over it. Texas has alot of nice hill riding. I miss have our GSXR-750.

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What a lovely ride! I wanna come down there and join you! However, I do not have such fetching ensembles!

I bet you looked awesome! Kudos!
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