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Just finished draining the old coolant and adding the new stuff. It all seemed to go well and the test ride seems to indicate normal circulation - no air in the line.

The Workshop manual suggests that the cooling system fluid capacity is 2.10 - 2.15 liters. Well, I drained a little less than a liter, and added just a tad more than a liter of the new stuff to bring it up to the "Max" line. I found that puzzling.

As for the gear oil, I didn't feel like removing the tire so I carved up an old Gaviscon antacid container (as shown in the attached) and used it to direct the flow away from the tire. It contained the outflow from the drain plug and kept the tire free of oil.

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Don't forget, If I'm wrong somebody correct...
Your engine has coolant in it and has to be flushed out.
Likely why you only got out about a liter.

great idea on the backyard bottle fix.

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"As for the gear oil, I didn't feel like removing the tire so I carved up an old Gaviscon antacid container (as shown in the attached) and used it to direct the flow away from the tire. It contained the outflow from the drain plug and kept the tire free of oil".


Could you snap a picture of that neat home grown funnel in position
with the drain plug.


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I did something similar the last time I changed the hub oil on my GT. I cut an old water bottle to direct the drained fluid to the catch pan.

Simple...take a bottle... any bottle, and cut it so you catch and contain the flow and direct it where you want it... not Rocket Science...

09 GTV
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iscoot wrote:
I did something similar the last time I changed the hub oil on my GT. I cut an old water bottle to direct the drained fluid to the catch pan.

Simple...take a bottle... any bottle, and cut it so you catch and contain the flow and direct it where you want it... not Rocket Science...
I'm showing my new owner (less than a week) ignorance here.
I guess what I am asking here is, just where the heck is the
Hub oil drain plug.
A picture would really help me out here.
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From Windbreaker via Starrem Hub oil question
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Thanks Harvey,

You da man.
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Hi. My apologies for the delay in posting this photo. Work schedule and a weekend shopping trip to Fargo, ND conspired against me. As for the photo - it's the best I could do as all-in-one funnel-holder and photographer, while contorting myself for said picture. I think you get the idea. The plastic bottle was a 600ml Gaviscon (antacid) container. The surgery on the bottle was performed with an Xacto knife - alas, without inadvertently removing any of my fingers.

It worked well. The gear oil didn't launch itself out all over everything and that helps. It was thick enough to just flow lazily out the drain hole. Strange but the Amsoil 80W90 Synthetic Gear Lube I put in was not nearly as thick (lower viscosity). And I almost feel the GT is a wee bit peppier. Or am I imagining that...?

Hope this helps.
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