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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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XLR8 wrote:
If you lower your scooter, it will handle like crap and you will probably wreck it within the first 50 miles. Messing with the suspension height on any scooter or motorcycle is very dangerous and not a very smart thing to do.

Shave the seat if you want it to sit lower.
Actually it might ride better in turns as the center of gravity is lowered. But it might ride crapy suspension wise. And just judging off your photo, the rear wheel might scrape the rear mud guard.

I do like the look better.
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Pronto wrote:

I love your single-seat shortened Vespa. It would have a tight turning circle. Hey - a skilled rider could do those "endo" tricks where they squeeze on the brakes until the rear wheel lifts up. It usually ends with the rider going over the handlebars.

The next project is going to be a stretch limo version - it gives the pillion more room and there is enough storage space for two full-face helmets, two sets of riding boots and an picnic basket.
That looks like a Lambretta version. I like it.
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Please note, I have knowledge of modern shocks.

What about heating up the shock springs and compacting them, like they do on lowered cars.

This is a good discussion, but give the op credit for posting the discussion and not rip into him because he doesnt think like everyone else.

I dont want me scooter to look like everyones elses.


100 originality points to the OP.
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