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'10 GTS 300 Super, '79 Vespa P200E, '04 Vespa PX200, 2011 SportCity 300 Cube [Sold]
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While putting away my GTS for the winter, I noticed two nicks on the front near the directionals where I'm guessing rocks from the road (or cars) hit and chipped the paint off. They are very minor, but made me think if there was anyway to protect against this kind of damage.

I've seen a couple LX150s with leather skirt like things. Is there anyway to put a clear protective layer over the paint?

Just curious. I need to get some touch up paint, but want to think about how to avoid this in the future! Thanks!

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seriously though....the only time I see the nicks provided by 18000 miles is when the dealer gives her a bath...otherwise, they are too covered by road grime and bugs to see...course we dont have too much rust to worry about in the desert.
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there is some stuff bicyclists use it. it is clear like mylar???? i think. used on bicycles for protection from rocks, sticks, ect. Maybe you can buy a sheet of it for cheap. Check with your local bicycle store, tell them you want to get a sheet of the clear material used on the chainstay.
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Rocks are hard to protect against, but as far as Knicks a good zone defense is your best bet.

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during the next few months there will be a postive down trend in the rocks and chips you will see on the scoot. Come about April you will see a rise again. Thats just the nature of the beast.

seriously now, you might look into the stuff sportbike riders put on the gas tanks to prevent paint rub off. Its a clear plastic type of peel and stick that is very durable. You should be able to find it at any aftermarket store for the rice rockets or internet store.
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Yes I forgot about the stuff for the sportbikes!!! That may work better.

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