On Sunday Oct. 26th The Usual Suspect SC will be holding a fall ride. We plan to meet at the Royal Cliffs Diner, in Englewood, NJ around 9am for breakfast. Around 10pm we are gonna head out for a decent run, but nothing to crazy, unless there is a small turn-out.
Sometime between 1pm and 2pm we are going to roll into The 4th Annual Fall Motorcycle Classic Bike Show in Ridgewood, NJ. Some of you who went on last years apple picking ride might remember riding right in the middle of it.
The 2008 Bike show is a benefit for Tomorrows Children's Fund. It will be held @ the Office Bar & Grill, 32-34 Chestnut Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450.
From 1:pm-4:pm you will be able to enjoy music, food, raffle prizes & more. All money raised goes to the Tomorrows Children's Fund.
Bikes that plan on entering the show need to be in by 2:pm. It's $20 to enter the show and an event shirt is included.
We'd really like to see this be one of the largest gathering of scooters ever in North Jersey. Please Feel free to post it to any board you feel like.
The Suspects pre ride is open to all scooters and motorcycles.
So would you please come join us on Oct. 26th at the Royal Cliffs Diner, or just meet us at the Office Bar & Grill later in the day.
Thank You,
The Suspects