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I just bought an S 150 this Friday and it was fine when I tested it outside the dealership. I had it delivered to my home and rode it around the neighborhood a bit the next day. It seemed to start a little rough, but no obvious problems. Then on Sunday, it wouldn't start at all. The dealership is closed on Monday, so I'm wondering if there is anything I can try to get it started in the meantime.

I have already tried the steps in the manual in case the gas tank was flooded and I also tried kick starting it with no success. I put a little more fuel in the tank since it was low, but still nothing. Sometimes the starter sounds like it's going to work, but then I just hear a whirring noise. Although this is my first Vespa, instinct tells me a scooter with only 6 miles on it shouldn't be doing this.
@femsatronic avatar

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If the run switch is in the "off" position you would not be the first person to make that mistake.
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Vespa S 150
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Thanks... I took a look at it, but it's on.

(I wish it were that simple!)
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femsatronic wrote:
If the run switch is in the "off" position you would not be the first person to make that mistake.
Stapy wrote:
Sometimes the starter sounds like it's going to work, but then I just hear a whirring noise.
That's true, but if the starter is turning then it's not the kill switch.

So unless it's the battery, sounds like you'll have to want for the dealer to open tomorrow.


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Vespa S 150
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It was the battery. They popped a new one in a few days ago and it started right up. I'm glad it wasn't anything worse! Whew emoticon
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Keep an eye on the battery
the battery connections need to be checked since they do have e tendancy to loosen, the battery must receive replenishing current from the stator in order to stay fully charged. Idleing will drain the battery too. batteries on scooters dont have too much reserve power.
I suggest a battery tender too. dr
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