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I took my first road trip this weekend. Dallas-Austin round trip on the back roads, 250 miles each way. It was windy (like the kind that could be felt in a car coming back). Texas roads are generally in good condition and these fell into that category, only in one town was there any "detour" construction.

I hoped to get my adjustable windscreen before the trip but it has not arrived. I went with the F1 standard which, if the adjustable never came, would be a good windshield in my book.

I maintained a speed of 78 most of the time. Occasionally I got 80 or 85 but I'd back down from that. In one spot a guy pulling a horse trailer pulled over to the shoulder for me to pass (though I wasn't trying to) and I hit the gas to move past. The MP3 500 really jumps out for passing. I went past thinking that this is really smooth, looked down and saw I was doing 90 so I cut back.

My Nuvi 360 GPS worked fine connected into the auxiliary under the seat but the plug kept vibrating out and I found that annoying. It made me even more sure that I should install another plug I can reach on the dash somewhere. I got tired of taking the bag strapped to the seat off to reconnect.

I probably could have packed all my stuff in the top case I installed (on another thread) but I carried another helmet for a friend in Austin so I took a "Sea Line, Baja Bag, 30L" that I bought online -- a great buy for $24, the large one. Here is a link, mine is the yellow one, good size, the "32L" is capacity:


This bag folds over to close and allows you to push all the air out - something like a vacum seal. The bag is round on the bottom but fills out kind of in an oval shape because the top is flat. When I strapped this to the passenger seat I found the round end (bottom in the picture on the link) made a perfect back rest. This was a real plus. I think it makes a great travel bag for an MP3.

The other thing I found handy is the cup holder I installed that I got off Ebay - two of them for $11 plus shipping. It holds a small bottle of water or a slender Starbucks cup very well.

That's about it except to say I'm not worried about road travel any more now that I lost my virginity. Coming back I rode 67 into I35E and then past downtown Dallas to my exit. You'd have to know Dallas to appreciate that one.
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Just for clarification, was that 90 by the speedo or the GPS?
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I have had mine at 93 by GPS I have a magellan maestro 4040
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It was by the speedometer, about 93. I didn't even think about that. In fact I haven't mastered the GPS to use the speedometer yet. I'll have to get more used to using it. But it was moving on. I was doing about 78 when he moved over and went past him like a scalded dog (as some say here).
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How did the bike feel at that speed, Jerry? Was it a comfortable 90+ mph, or did it feel skitchy?
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grimcity wrote:
How did the bike feel at that speed, Jerry? Was it a comfortable 90+ mph, or did it feel skitchy?

My experience has been that the MP3 in general, and specifically the 500, is rock solid at any speed, even those that might earn one a "High Speed Driving Award". I will get a bit more specific when I see you in person.

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You can't tell your doing 90 MPH on the MP3, except the wind trying to push you off the back.

Wayne B
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That's about how I felt, very comfortable. It was just seeing the speedometer that made me slow down. In fact, at that moment, it was running really well. And you have to realize we had a really windy day yesterday before a new front moving in today. All in all I rode 250 miles yesterday, a lot in a pretty gusty crosswind at the most common highway speed of 78 or so (by speedometer), occasionally up to 85 and that once above 90. The bike impressed me because it was never laboring.
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That's really great to hear, thanks for the responses Jerry, Wayne and Ed... also to Ed, paperwork on the car is going through today, then some more in a week... I'll message you when my wife and I head over to Baton Rouge, I'll bring a camera so we can get a pic of the newbie (me of course) and BR's resident expert!

I'm really excited to hear about the stability of this beast at speed... my background is based on MX, three & four wheelers, not street bikes (though I've putted around on a friend's 150cc cheap-o scooter).

It's nuts... I know what it feels like to hit a natural dirt jump, clearing somewhere around 10 or 15 feet on average, and doing this on a bike with no brakes (all of us that trail rode back in my home town were brakeless because of all the sand dogging we did). Still, I'm equal parts nervous and excited about getting this thing. As soon as I saw the 500, I knew it was designed for me. I've obsessed over this thing so much I can't even begin to explain. I'll have a ton of elementary questions for everyone, but I will do my best to make sure I dig through the forum's archives to make sure I don't repeat topics.

Sorry for the schpeel... my purchase is very close at hand and I'm going nuts!
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Sunday in Dallas was windy. I feel for you man. I trekked S on 75 to uptown from Richardson, and while not scary, there was a bit of teeth grinding at points. The vortex from the semis was nothing compared to the gusts. I was hitting 75-80 on the speedo, which, from my guesstimation is about 70-75.


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I know what you mean, Lux. I had some wind going down to Austin and thought that it would be easy coming back - a tail wind. I guess there is hardly ever a tailwind. It was coming at me out of the SE, hitting the right side of the bike pretty hard. I guess it would have been rougher going south. When I turned at Glen Rose to mostly traveling east it was even rougher.

I can't imagine riding it without a windshield. I probably wouldn't have gone over 55. I have a buddy with 2 Harleys, no screens, says he likes "feeling the wind." To me, that is so much bs. He only says that because he hardly ever goes over 60.
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I have the Givi medium windscreen on mine, and it "helps". I am waiting to hear from the Evo III adjustable windscreen owners when they get them. I may have to purchase one.

As for your Harley friends, "feeling the wind" translates to rocks and bugs. No thanks. The windscreen was the very first accessory I purchased. I didn't leave the showroom without one.

We should get together sometime and ride if you're not too far off. There's also a scooter meet up at the Dubliner on lower Greenville most Sunday afternoons.

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Yeah, I'd like to make the meeting on lower Greenville. I didn't know there was one. I'm not so far away (2.6 miles says Google). What time do you usually get together? I always look for someone to ride with. My longest trips around town is to McKinney to see my grandson play little guy football.

I talked to Marcel again yesterday. He said my adjustable is being shipped today. I'll let you know. We'll probably install this weekend if it gets in. I want to add a 12v outlet at the same time.
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Re: My first road trip - and yes, it goes 90
jerryw wrote:
but I carried another helmet for a friend in Austin so I took a "Sea Line, Baja Bag, 30L" that I bought online -- a great buy for $24, the large one. Here is a link, mine is the yellow one, good size, the "32L" is capacity:


This bag folds over to close and allows you to push all the air out - something like a vacum seal. The bag is round on the bottom but fills out kind of in an oval shape because the top is flat. When I strapped this to the passenger seat I found the round end (bottom in the picture on the link) made a perfect back rest.
I'm looking for a product like this for longer rides. How did you strap it to the passenger seat? Was the bag parallel to the seat (lying along it lengthwise with the the round end facing your back) or was it in a different position? Did you consider the Ortleib dry bag?
http://www.aerostich.com/product.php?productid=17175 I like that one because it opens all the way down the body of the bag. Thanks for the report.
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I used 2 Ortlieb roll bags on a trip and they worked a treat. Looks like they are the same kind of product as the Sealine. I strapped them across the seat using velcro strapping I bought from a UK hardwear store. They are a similar kind of product to Andy Strapz. See http://www.andystrapz.com/productdetails.php?pid=35&BACK=46

No wobbley elastic bungees. Very secure. You can see from the photo that I used Ortlieb panniers too, which worked a treat. Not exactly streamlined, however you can carry more clobber on the bike with them. All this kind of kit is very waterproof. I can highly recommend it.
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For my trips I found a duffel bag in my closet. Just run a strap through the d-rings around the passenger handles. Also was a good backrest. Lots of things can be strapped on and if not in your closet it does not need to be a high priced purchase, just go to Walmart or some similar store.
Straps longer than needed and just tucked extra into end compartment of bag.
Straps longer than needed and just tucked extra into end compartment of bag.
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Good going Jerry. I know those roads and how the
wind can blow down there.
I am curious, as I don't think I have ever heard a
mention of one aspect of the Mp3 that I am not all
that crazy about,- when it comes to highway riding.
The small wheels, which help it corner so well,
also seem to require much more attention at speed
and when going in a straight line.
Without a single large wheel doing the Gyroscopic
thing up front, it seems to veer off track more
readily than I would like (in a perfect world).
I think it is a worthwhile trade for its cornering abilities though.
Anyone else notice this?

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You have done what I have been thinking about! I am going to make that trip sometime soon. What great fun! Thank you for sharing!
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I'll take a picture of my rig and post it. I think for the bag being waterproof, good size and a backrest all in one it is a great buy at more than the $25 I paid. I had no idea it would work out so well when I bought it.

I secured it it with a cargo net (about $6) and a strap for additional safety (though it wasn't necessary). Behind that was the topcase I bought on Ebay for about $82. So the whole travel rig added up to about $125 - bag, topcase, cargo net and safety strap - a very cheap but effective rig and I think it looks pretty good. I didn't see any reason to spend more. When I go on a longer trip maybe I will. The first thing I would consider is a larger version of it.
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