I took my first road trip this weekend. Dallas-Austin round trip on the back roads, 250 miles each way. It was windy (like the kind that could be felt in a car coming back). Texas roads are generally in good condition and these fell into that category, only in one town was there any "detour" construction.
I hoped to get my adjustable windscreen before the trip but it has not arrived. I went with the F1 standard which, if the adjustable never came, would be a good windshield in my book.
I maintained a speed of 78 most of the time. Occasionally I got 80 or 85 but I'd back down from that. In one spot a guy pulling a horse trailer pulled over to the shoulder for me to pass (though I wasn't trying to) and I hit the gas to move past. The MP3 500 really jumps out for passing. I went past thinking that this is really smooth, looked down and saw I was doing 90 so I cut back.
My Nuvi 360 GPS worked fine connected into the auxiliary under the seat but the plug kept vibrating out and I found that annoying. It made me even more sure that I should install another plug I can reach on the dash somewhere. I got tired of taking the bag strapped to the seat off to reconnect.
I probably could have packed all my stuff in the top case I installed (on another thread) but I carried another helmet for a friend in Austin so I took a "Sea Line, Baja Bag, 30L" that I bought online -- a great buy for $24, the large one. Here is a link, mine is the yellow one, good size, the "32L" is capacity:
This bag folds over to close and allows you to push all the air out - something like a vacum seal. The bag is round on the bottom but fills out kind of in an oval shape because the top is flat. When I strapped this to the passenger seat I found the round end (bottom in the picture on the link) made a perfect back rest. This was a real plus. I think it makes a great travel bag for an MP3.
The other thing I found handy is the cup holder I installed that I got off Ebay - two of them for $11 plus shipping. It holds a small bottle of water or a slender Starbucks cup very well.
That's about it except to say I'm not worried about road travel any more now that I lost my virginity. Coming back I rode 67 into I35E and then past downtown Dallas to my exit. You'd have to know Dallas to appreciate that one.