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File under dumb enough idea to work...

Tired of lifting the pet carrier and pulling out the hose then worrying about not putting it back, I always meant to install a T-connector and a filter...

One day I was searching for something and came across some foam curlers that I had bought for my German Shepherd's ear when she was a puppy.

Then I thought hey... I put a bit of hose on the carb then the foam part of the roller then to the remaining hose. Has been on for a week or so and seems to be working fine.

This could be a cheap and easy mod.

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Interesting! If I understand the setup correctly, how did you keep the hose from sliding out one end of the foam?
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2006 Vespa LX150,1978 Lambretta Jet
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xantufrog wrote:
Interesting! If I understand the setup correctly, how did you keep the hose from sliding out one end of the foam?

There is another smaller piece of hose attached to the carb, and the foam on the other end. The hole in the foam fits the hose nice and snug and the foam can be easily cut if a smaller "Filter" is desired.
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I'm surprised the foam hasn't started to melt.
Why do you replace the evap hose once disconnected?

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"Newbee question"

Why do this?
What exactly does the evap hose do?
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Mike1894 wrote:
"Newbee question"

Why do this?
What exactly does the evap hose do?
The evap hose is part of the vapor-recovery system, an emissions control solely required by the state of California in their well-intentioned but poorly executed attempt at forcing the country and world to adopt cleaner technologies and lower emissions. Problem is, the evap systems on Vespas-and many other scooters-are problematic and contribute to lower performance, stalling, idle problems and so on by hijacking the airflow of the engine as it was originally designed.

Many owners disconnect it as soon as possible. The only place this matters at all (as far as I know) is California, where they don't do any kind of smog/vehicle inspections of scooters.

See: ET/GT/LX: Hard Starting, Rough Idle, or Stalling
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2006 Vespa LX150,1978 Lambretta Jet
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2006 Vespa LX150,1978 Lambretta Jet
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ericalm wrote:
I'm surprised the foam hasn't started to melt.
Why do you replace the evap hose once disconnected?
It was suggested in the rough start,idle thread in the tech section not to leave the hose disconnected.

The Foam is only touching the hoses, I've checked it daily when I first put it on, and no problems. That may change when the weather gets warmer or on a longer ride so I will check it often to be sure. But again I believe the foam is designed to withstand a hairdryer's heat so it should be ok.


ET/GT/LX: Hard Starting, Rough Idle, or Stalling
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