So, some of you probably remember my tale of woe. Short version is I've spent the last three years chasing a problem with my Vespa. It dies when the weather gets above 80 degrees. It'll ride fine for a while, and then it'll just die and you won't be able to start it until it cools down. The starter works and works, but nothing happens.
I've done a number of things that folks here have suggested, including sparks, jets, evap system removal, venting the gas tank, CDI replacement, spark plug housing...
Finally I duplicated the problem toward the middle of summer for a scooter shop (it was the first time they'd seen it happen in the entire time they had it) and they thought they had it figured. There was no spark when the thing overheated. The spark plug worked, but when the bike was hot it wasn't sparking. That made them think the CDI was bad. They replaced it.
They tell me it's fine, and I ride it for a week, then it dies on me after a stop and go trip down Lake Shore Drive. I talk to one of their mechanics and he says, "Dude, take it to our competitors. We're out of ideas."
So I do. And they're sure they'll be able to figure it out.
A month later, and I just called them. "We're unable to duplicate the problem, sir. We can either keep trying or you can come pick up the bike."
Of course they're unable. They're not gonna go ride it for a half hour, and even if they did, it's now October and cold out, so it may or may not happen at all. So now I've gone an entire summer with a total riding time of about 45 minutes from June to September. I miss the thing, and I'll ride the hell out of it until December, but damn if I'm not supremely frustrated.
Enjoy your scoots. I've sure missed mine.