jess wrote:
Awww, 'twas nuthin. Anyone would do that for one of their clubmates. I think that makes us all "enablers", though... we help each other pursue an activity where serious injury is a regular occurrence.
I have a slightly different perspective: I know I'm engaging in risky behavior. I do so freely, with the full knowledge that (most of the time) I'm without the "safety net" of fellow riders. That's one of the reasons this forum and its collective wisdom has proven to be so valuable. I've learned how to minimize the risk and be as prepared as I can for the worst. You haven't enabled; you've informed and educated. Thanks for that!
I'm happy to know scooterists, bikers, and even drivers are willing to go out of their way to help when the worst (or a version of it) acutally does happen.
(I'm sure your post was intended to be more light-hearted. Sorry to be Debbie Downer.)
sfarchie wrote:
...the first person I called was Todd... to just tell him I jacked up the Allstate. I don't know why, but I didn't want to piss him off for some reason. Do I need help?
Nope, you don't need help. I'll bet that on some level you knew that I'd given Todd shit for painting the scooter flat black, having it stolen, moving to SF, AND selling it to you. Once he warned you, he had you shaking you in your boot. Hurry up an heal so I can give you that tongue-lashing.