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Piaggio Mp3 500 *soon*
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Piaggio Mp3 500 *soon*
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Within the next two weeks (hopefully sooner) I'll be getting a 500, but I'm also planning on getting the exact same Piaggio screen that Ed in BR has because of rocks and debris (before I leave Baton Rouge's Vespa dealership).

I'm also wanting to pick up a full face/flip up helmet, but I'm concerned about my head feeling like it's in an oven, especially considering the mix of humidity and heat we get down here in Louisiana.

Does enough wind wrap around the screen so that the vents on a well/decently ventilated helmet still function? Sitting on Ed's Mp3, the screen's top will be either right above or just even with the top of my head.
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I have a tall Fabbri screen. Since I'm short it covers me very well to prevent road debris from hitting me...there is lots of construction here and lots of traffic....

I still get great ventilation and don't perspire in my full summer _ totally geared up ...Toreador Pants...All The Gear All The Time regalia.... I even wear a light weight neck scarf to draw more attention in my direction.... So, I'd say get a good helmet with as much ventilation opportunity as you can find...

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff....Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture...The Helmet is For Your Protection...You Can Find one that is Comfortable....

Thanks for talking about Helmets....My Heart Sinks When I Read About Another Rider Dying From Head Injuries...What a Preventable Tradgey.

Ride Safe .... Look Gooood.....Cheers...jacq
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I installed a tall Fabri screen early in the summer and it did cut down on the air to / through my helmet and was hot. I have a fulll face flip up HJC Simax II. I cut 3" off the top of the screen so I am looking over the top. (I am 6'2" and the amount to cut off is different for different people.) This gives me good ventilation to the helmet but still benefit from the screen, for example the screen gets dirty but my visor doesn't. I do not have buffeting on my chest or head. For the body there is wind at the back so reasonably cool. The helmet vents don't work from the back to front.

I also agree with wearing all the gear and have Joe Rocket jacket, pants and boots. I like them but selection was on finding something in a store that I could try on and that fit me. There was a morotcyle fatality in my town last week and the rider was wearing a skid lid. He died of head injuries. If you t-bone a car like he did it is not the top of your head taking impact. It was the car's fault but the biker is dead.
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I have a 500 and the piagio windscreen, and it does block the wind flow to the helmet a bit...but without the screen the wind in the chest and head is pretty overwhelming at high speeds, say 65mph. With the windscreen I can go 65mph and not even realize that I am going that fast, so...you make your choices. Personally I really like the windscreen and I do open all the vents on my helmet for the afternoon ride home from work. On really hot days I wear a frozen neck cooler that helps a lot, but it melts after about an hour. The converse is also true...on a cold morning the windscreen really helps keep you warmer. Next summer I may take the windscreen off in July, but so far I really love it. As for the helmet I would suggest a full face...Toreador Pants. It is a little strange at first, but after a while you really don't even remember you are wearing it (like a seatbelt you just forget that it is on). Don't get a helmet that is less safe because it is more comfortable...my 2 cents.

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Here is the helmet that I got to deal with the Georgia heat http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-helmet/gmax/gm68s/

WebBikeWorld is a great place for reviews of gear, including air flow on helmets. Good reading.
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