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I've been saving up for my scooter for about 6 months now, and I was finally able to buy this beauty.

I've only had it for a couple of weeks and I've only ridden it in my apartment parking lot, but I've already made friends because of it. One neighbor and I had a lengthy conversation about his motorcycle history as a youngster, and my other neighbor's girlfriend likes my bike better than her boyfriend's huge crotch rocket. Laughing emoticon No one has complained about the 2-stroke smoke yet, so I consider that a win. Is it weird that I love that smell?

Please pardon the crappy dark pictures. It was late.
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Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
And just so y'all don't think I ride around with no gear.
And just so y'all don't think I ride around with no gear.
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Looks like a great bike!! Glad you were able to get it. Do you have any plans for it, or will you just leave it stock?
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I'll leave it stock as far as the engine goes. The first "mod" I do will be to remove the kinda cheesy chrome hubcaps that I specifically did not take pictures of. I'm thinking of installing cowl protectors while I'm still learning to ride it, but I'm worried about scratching the paint where it attaches to the scoot. Has this ever been a problem for anyone?
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Very nice!
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that scoot looks great. You like you like it alot and you should.
@nickandsusan avatar

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very cool scoot!!!! my partner has the same exact scooter and absolutey loves it just like you do!!! and that smell is wonderful huh! blue smoke..yum


now i wanna see a pic of the hubcap!!!
@xantufrog avatar

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That looks gorgeous. Congrats!
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that scoot was definitely worth the wait.
and oh yeah, 2 stroke smoke, makes me ILL. yuck
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vespa auntie wrote:
that scoot was definitely worth the wait.
and oh yeah, 2 stroke smoke, makes me ILL. yuck
wuss!! kidding of course xoxox
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That's a lovely scoot my friend!
@wangta avatar

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Holy crap, that is a great looking scooter. 1979?? Guessing someone restored it?
@rover_eric avatar

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Wangta01 wrote:
Holy crap, that is a great looking scooter. 1979?? Guessing someone restored it?
Nope... that's all original and well cared for.

Take care of that scoot!
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Rover Eric wrote:
Wangta01 wrote:
Holy crap, that is a great looking scooter. 1979?? Guessing someone restored it?
Nope... that's all original and well cared for.

Take care of that scoot!
It is very well taken care of, but it is a new very well done paint job. The original owner put a couple of scratches in it, and the guy I bought it from (the second owner) decided to spray the whole bike instead of just touch up the scratches. He's a mechanic, and did all the work himself. Its like it just rolled off the dealers floor. Its incredible.
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wow... my bad. I really thought that to be the OG white paint job for that bike.

*feels stupid*
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That's the P my bike wants to be like.

Very nice.
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Rover Eric wrote:
wow... my bad. I really thought that to be the OG white paint job for that bike.

*feels stupid*
It looks identical to the original color. I don't think you could tell if you were standing right in front if it. But, you are pretty bad ass, so maybe you could. 8)
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Thats a very nice mk1 you've got there 8)
@killo avatar

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That's beautiful. I am partial to white scoots. Enjoy.
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Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
@79p200e avatar

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I want to have sex with that bike!
@rover_eric avatar

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Daniele967 wrote:
Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
@xantufrog avatar

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Rover Eric wrote:
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
Not sure how this will translate back INTO Italian by the same means, but I bet it will be equally head-scratching 8)
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79p200e wrote:
I want to have sex with that bike!
Wow. If you are a chick then please post pics, otherwise please get this mental picture out of my head. Leave the exhaust pipe alone my friend.
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Rover Eric wrote:
Daniele967 wrote:
Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
" I FATTI DANNO RAGIONE"....il solito americano "BISTECCONE TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO"...pero' in fondo nonostante la tua menomazione mentale già da subito mostrata, devo tuttavia ammettere che hai ragione,a ciascuno la sua lingua madre,ed io fortunatamente parlo ottimamente l'ITALIANO,perchè sono un ITALIANO fiero ed orgoglioso!!!!!! ..o forse ti rode dentro che un'imprecisato migliaio di ITALIANI hanno contribuito a formare anch'essi MOLTO POSITIVAMENTE l'America????
Attraverso il mio scarno Inglese,desideravo soltanto condividere con altri la mia passione per il solo,unico ed inimitabile veicolo esclusivamente di firma ITALIANISSIMA e che solo grazie alla magnanima espansione del prodotto da parte di Casa PIAGGIO,altri stati esteri hanno potuto apprezzare il gusto ed il piacere di andare su' due ruote.
Percio' "AMERICANACCIO DEI MIEI STIVALI" non è carino nè tantomeno educato da parte tua sfottere l'ospite straniero,specie un'ITALIANO
E che questo ti serva di lezione in futuro,in modo tale da non commettere piu' "gaf " di questo genere da parte tua..!!!8)

PS:traduci questo adesso,...ah...dimenticavo di dirti che questo vale anche per l'altro tuo amico che si è fatto sicuramente male facendosi avanti nei miei confronti 8) ...... MI DISPIACE DIRLO MA MI AVETE MOLTO DELUSO !!!!
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I wish I understood Italian...

Anyway, that P is the bomb. So fresh and so clean. Love it! 8)

Oh, and 2-stroke smoke? It's the nectar of the gods.
@rover_eric avatar

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SWMLDR Bill wrote:
I wish I understood Italian...
All the Italian words i know i learned by watching sopranos.
@jeremy_w avatar

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When you get the chance, I want to see more pics - close ups of different areas. The handle bars, switches, etc.

I'm taking notes for my bike.

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79p200e wrote:
I want to have sex with that bike!
only if you take him out to dinner first, and have him home by 11. Razz emoticon
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Jeremy W wrote:
When you get the chance, I want to see more pics - close ups of different areas. The handle bars, switches, etc.

I'm taking notes for my bike.

Will do. I've always admired your P when you post pictures.
@sfarchie avatar

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You have a great P! I saw your reply about getting the new, automatic P. You won't have any problems selling your P if you're serious. Damn it, I would love to get your bike, but I already own 1.5 scooters.
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I tried translating Daniele967's comments above - using good ol' Babelfish. It didn't really work, but I think he's angry about something- maybe the way the American authorities changed the fuel tap on the P series??? Like, don't paint a moustache on the Mona Lisa?

I'm not sure, but to Daniele I will say this:

"Thank you, Italy, for creating the Vespa. We will treasure it always!"

" Grazie, Italia, per la generazione del Vespa. Lo apprezzeremo sempre! "

Hey, that looks like it might have worked.

I've never really gotten into the Sopranos, but has anyone seen the Italian cop show about the Sicilian detective Inspector Montalbano? Classy stuff. You can get the books too. Highly recommended for all Italophiles.
@wangta avatar

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VP1 wrote:
79p200e wrote:
I want to have sex with that bike!
Wow. If you are a chick then please post pics, otherwise please get this mental picture out of my head. Leave the exhaust pipe alone my friend.
I had a similar reaction. LOL. I'm dying here. Hahahahaha
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Daniele967 wrote:
Rover Eric wrote:
Daniele967 wrote:
Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
" I FATTI DANNO RAGIONE"....il solito americano "BISTECCONE TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO"...pero' in fondo nonostante la tua menomazione mentale già da subito mostrata, devo tuttavia ammettere che hai ragione,a ciascuno la sua lingua madre,ed io fortunatamente parlo ottimamente l'ITALIANO,perchè sono un ITALIANO fiero ed orgoglioso!!!!!! ..o forse ti rode dentro che un'imprecisato migliaio di ITALIANI hanno contribuito a formare anch'essi MOLTO POSITIVAMENTE l'America????
Attraverso il mio scarno Inglese,desideravo soltanto condividere con altri la mia passione per il solo,unico ed inimitabile veicolo esclusivamente di firma ITALIANISSIMA e che solo grazie alla magnanima espansione del prodotto da parte di Casa PIAGGIO,altri stati esteri hanno potuto apprezzare il gusto ed il piacere di andare su' due ruote.
Percio' "AMERICANACCIO DEI MIEI STIVALI" non è carino nè tantomeno educato da parte tua sfottere l'ospite straniero,specie un'ITALIANO
E che questo ti serva di lezione in futuro,in modo tale da non commettere piu' "gaf " di questo genere da parte tua..!!!8)

PS:traduci questo adesso,...ah...dimenticavo di dirti che questo vale anche per l'altro tuo amico che si è fatto sicuramente male facendosi avanti nei miei confronti 8) ...... MI DISPIACE DIRLO MA MI AVETE MOLTO DELUSO !!!!
The FACTS DAMAGE RAGIONE"... il usual American" BISTECCONE ALL SMOKE and NOTHING ARROSTO"... pero' in bottom although your shown mental disablement already from endured, I must however admit that you ts language mother, and I fortunately speak optimally the ITALIAN, why they are a fierce and proud ITALIAN!!!!!! ..o perhaps you rode within that a imprecisato thousand of ITALIANS has contributed to form anch' they A LOT Through English mine scarno, I only wished to share with others my passion for the solo, only and inimitabile vehicle exclusively of the MOST ITALIAN company and that only thanks to the magnanimous expansion of the product Percio' "AMERICANACCIO Of MY BOOTS" pretty neither tantomeno is not educated part your to sfottere the foreign host, species an ITALIAN and that this you servant of lesson in future, in such way not to.

PS: you translate this adesso... ah... I forgot about dirti that this is worth also for the other your friend who has made itself sure badly making oneself ahead in my comparisons...... DISPIACE TO SAY IT BUT TO ME YOU HAVE ME A LOT.

That's the best I could do with the built-in translator on my Mac.
@rover_eric avatar

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I read something about her mother having a mustache and lost interest after that.
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Call me crazy,I'm 44 and I swear when I was in the bahamas about 23 years ago,I rented an auto Vespa.I just know it was an auto P or PX vespa.Do you think I'm remembering this correctly? I'm serious....

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Scootover wrote:
Call me crazy,I'm 44 and I swear when I was in the bahamas about 23 years ago,I rented an auto Vespa.I just know it was an auto P or PX vespa.Do you think I'm remembering this correctly? I'm serious....

Not crazy, maybe just a good memory.
pk 125s automatica

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Daniele967 wrote:
Rover Eric wrote:
Daniele967 wrote:
Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
" I FATTI DANNO RAGIONE"....il solito americano "BISTECCONE TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO"...pero' in fondo nonostante la tua menomazione mentale già da subito mostrata, devo tuttavia ammettere che hai ragione,a ciascuno la sua lingua madre,ed io fortunatamente parlo ottimamente l'ITALIANO,perchè sono un ITALIANO fiero ed orgoglioso!!!!!! ..o forse ti rode dentro che un'imprecisato migliaio di ITALIANI hanno contribuito a formare anch'essi MOLTO POSITIVAMENTE l'America????
Attraverso il mio scarno Inglese,desideravo soltanto condividere con altri la mia passione per il solo,unico ed inimitabile veicolo esclusivamente di firma ITALIANISSIMA e che solo grazie alla magnanima espansione del prodotto da parte di Casa PIAGGIO,altri stati esteri hanno potuto apprezzare il gusto ed il piacere di andare su' due ruote.
Percio' "AMERICANACCIO DEI MIEI STIVALI" non è carino nè tantomeno educato da parte tua sfottere l'ospite straniero,specie un'ITALIANO
E che questo ti serva di lezione in futuro,in modo tale da non commettere piu' "gaf " di questo genere da parte tua..!!!8)

PS:traduci questo adesso,...ah...dimenticavo di dirti che questo vale anche per l'altro tuo amico che si è fatto sicuramente male facendosi avanti nei miei confronti 8) ...... MI DISPIACE DIRLO MA MI AVETE MOLTO DELUSO !!!!
....non ho capito una mazza di tutta questa diatriba, però un italiano che difende i nostri colori già mi sta simpatico.... non è comunque una questione di nazionalità, la mamma dei coglioni è sempre incinta, negli USA come in Italia od in qualsiasi posto al mondo. Chi si comporta così denota sicuramente gravi problemi di socializzazione ed intrinsechi stati di rabbia generati probabilmente da una propria situazione di insofferenza verso l'esterno. Dalle mie parti si dice "battitene u belin", il problema è solo suo.
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z-morris wrote:
Daniele967 wrote:
Rover Eric wrote:
Daniele967 wrote:
Hi Megnez, observing in the photo your P200E America I have to say that is really beautiful, have noticed however' that the faucet of the gasoline and done climb on to the inverse one, or am I wrong??!!
I'm going to take a wild stab and figure that you used google translator or something to say that you notice that the fuel tap lever moves perpendicular to the standard vespa fuel tap lever?

Yup. US model bikes had that. I dont know why.
" I FATTI DANNO RAGIONE"....il solito americano "BISTECCONE TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO"...pero' in fondo nonostante la tua menomazione mentale già da subito mostrata, devo tuttavia ammettere che hai ragione,a ciascuno la sua lingua madre,ed io fortunatamente parlo ottimamente l'ITALIANO,perchè sono un ITALIANO fiero ed orgoglioso!!!!!! ..o forse ti rode dentro che un'imprecisato migliaio di ITALIANI hanno contribuito a formare anch'essi MOLTO POSITIVAMENTE l'America????
Attraverso il mio scarno Inglese,desideravo soltanto condividere con altri la mia passione per il solo,unico ed inimitabile veicolo esclusivamente di firma ITALIANISSIMA e che solo grazie alla magnanima espansione del prodotto da parte di Casa PIAGGIO,altri stati esteri hanno potuto apprezzare il gusto ed il piacere di andare su' due ruote.
Percio' "AMERICANACCIO DEI MIEI STIVALI" non è carino nè tantomeno educato da parte tua sfottere l'ospite straniero,specie un'ITALIANO
E che questo ti serva di lezione in futuro,in modo tale da non commettere piu' "gaf " di questo genere da parte tua..!!!8)

PS:traduci questo adesso,...ah...dimenticavo di dirti che questo vale anche per l'altro tuo amico che si è fatto sicuramente male facendosi avanti nei miei confronti 8) ...... MI DISPIACE DIRLO MA MI AVETE MOLTO DELUSO !!!!
....non ho capito una mazza di tutta questa diatriba, però un italiano che difende i nostri colori già mi sta simpatico.... non è comunque una questione di nazionalità, la mamma dei coglioni è sempre incinta, negli USA come in Italia od in qualsiasi posto al mondo. Chi si comporta così denota sicuramente gravi problemi di socializzazione ed intrinsechi stati di rabbia generati probabilmente da una propria situazione di insofferenza verso l'esterno. Dalle mie parti si dice "battitene u belin", il problema è solo suo.
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@xantufrog avatar
1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Posts: 8891
Location: Atlanta, GA
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z-morris wrote:
Dalle mie parti si dice "battitene u belin", il problema è solo suo.
Lo penso anche io.
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