If you aren't headed down to Santa Cruz this sunday, head to Alameda for the All Italian Day!
Info from their website:
Please join us for All Italian Day with your Italian car or motorcycle in Alameda, California on Sunday, October 12, 2008. All Italian vehicles are welcome, whether a concours-ready Ferrari or a grocery-fetching FIAT wagon, new Ducati Multistrada or campus-worn Vespa. This year marks the 21st consecutive year of this event, the All Italian Car and Motorcycle Show. All proceeds provide the primary sponsorship of the Alameda Special Olympics program. The cars will be exhibited on the green at Lincoln Middle School, 1250 Fernside Blvd. between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Italian food and drink will be available.
Entrance donation for non-exhibitors is $5.00 per person; fee payable at the gate on the day of the event. Children (under 18) are admitted free. There is no entry fee for exhibitors.
Exhibitor pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Pre-register by September 19, 2008 and a reserved parking place will be made available for you. All pre-registered entrants also receive a personalized window plaque. Pre-register by sending your name, address, phone, and vehicle make, model, and year to:
pharding AT-SIGN alamedanet DOT net
Pre registration is closed, but day of registration will be open. Usually gets quite a good showing of Vespas and Lambrettas