It was Sunday; I was having a good day striking items of the honey-do-list. I then went to my list... changing the GT's oil.
It was all going well... plug out, filter out, oil out, plug in, new filter in. I then put some new oil in careful not to over fill, checked the dip stick it was at the second mark, started it up and idled for a few minutes, the oil light stayed on, so I checked the oil again - it still looked good. I then decided to take it out for a few blocks, assuming it needed more oil pressure/engine speed for the light to go out and to make sure the oil gets into the filter so I can then top it off. As I am going down the alley the oil light flickers and then stays on, a few blocks later my scoot stalls, a few blocks later it stalls again and won't start, so I push the 3 blocks home. I check the oil and its bone dry; I realize that I seized the engine.... I add more oil, let it cool a bit, check oil again, after a few tries it starts up and seems to idle OK. I then went around the block; it ran OK but sounds like a ratchet gun when I went faster then 20mph or so. I was traveling for work on Monday/Tuesday, when I got back home last night I checked it again and went around the block again. It seams to idle a little louder but goes around the block with about the same power. The ratchet noise above 20mph is still there. I have not gone more the around the block or 25ish mph for fear of increasing the damage.
So, I seized my engine due to it getting too hot with too little oil. The flickering oil light was probably when the oil went into the filter lowering the oil in the case telling me to finish adding the oil.
Now that I F'ed my scoot, and did a $%#$% *#$%#&$ thing,
What happens with a seized engine? The Piston ring locks up with the cylinder... so I scraped the cylinder wall or damaged the piston ring or more?
Do I need to have the engine rebuilt? Or can I ride it as is?
Would continuing to ride add to the damage? Would it be reliable? (I would assume I would have some lost power and gas mileage)
What are my options? What do I do?