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Got this as an email this morning & I gotta admit that I knew only about half of them:


1 . Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton, linen and secret things.

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.

3. The dot over the letter i is called a 'tittle'.

4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

5. Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.

6. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

7. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

8. Th e 'spot' on 7UP comes from its inventor, who had red eyes. He was albino.

9. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents, daily.

10. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.

11. Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small sized dog.

12. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

13. Most lipstick contains fish scales (eeww).

14. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.

15. Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.

16. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

17. Leonardo DaVinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time---(hence, multi-tasking was invented.)

18. Be cause metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.

19. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.

20. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan; there was never a recorded Wendy before!

21. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and silver!

22. Leonardo DaVinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.

23. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

24. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original 'Halloween' was a Captain Kirk's mask painted white.

25. If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19 You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar (good to know.)

26. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand (and you thought this list was completely useless.)

27. The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

28. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.

29. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples!

30. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!

31. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher..

32. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries

33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages it.

34. George Carlin said it best about Martha Stewart .. 'Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she's behind bars. O. J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around; Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the ONE woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and they haul her fanny off to jail'.

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"Lucci's father, Victor, was a first-generation American. Phyllis Diller, contrary to various internet rumors, is not her mother.[6] Lucci has been married since September 13, 1969 to Austrian businessman Helmut Huber. They are the parents of soap opera actress Liza Huber (who played Gwen Hotchkiss on the daytime serial Passions until that series' cancellation by NBC in September 2007) and Andreas Huber (who did not follow his mother and sister into an acting career). She became a grandmother when her daughter, Liza, gave birth on December 23, 2006 - Lucci's 60th birthday. The baby was named Royce Alexander.[7] Liza is currently expecting another child, who will be Lucci's second grandchild."

- Wikipedia

Phyllis Diller has a daughter named Susan, but it ain't that Lucci person.
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du Tabac wrote:
"Lucci's father, Victor, was a first-generation American. Phyllis Diller, contrary to various internet rumors, is not her mother.[6] Lucci has been married since September 13, 1969 to Austrian businessman Helmut Huber. They are the parents of soap opera actress Liza Huber (who played Gwen Hotchkiss on the daytime serial Passions until that series' cancellation by NBC in September 2007) and Andreas Huber (who did not follow his mother and sister into an acting career). She became a grandmother when her daughter, Liza, gave birth on December 23, 2006 - Lucci's 60th birthday. The baby was named Royce Alexander.[7] Liza is currently expecting another child, who will be Lucci's second grandchild."

- Wikipedia

Phyllis Diller has a daughter named Susan, but it ain't that Lucci person.
I didn't know that either. Crying or Very sad emoticon [/i]

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I once heard that Preparation H was the most stolen item in super markets.
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Have you verified all of these with snopes.com?

I used to work in the library business......the books most stolen from libraries are test preparation guides for civil-service exams and books on the occult.
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A number of those items are either wrong or highly suspect.
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Re: NSR Things you should know but probably don't.
Louisiana_Geezer wrote:
16. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

Even more interesting--The hand type was held in a single case until the westerward movement of American settlers. Following the settlers were printers who typeset newspapers and pamphlets from inside their wagons.

The single case was too large to lay flat in the wagon, so the fonts were spit into the "California Job Case"--with a lower case was laid flat for easy accessibility, and the upper case was propped up almost vertically behind it to save some space.

P. (lifelong typesetter and printer)
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14. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
I'm amazed that America hasn't discovered that (and acted upon it) yet.
1 . Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton, linen and secret things.
... and for some reasons, that material is very unhospital to germs, making even a used bill pretty much germ-free.
22. It took Leonardo DaVinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.
Yes, it IS very hard to paint a constantly moving object and make it look like it is still.
30. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!
Thank you for this one (if it works).
On the quicksand, I wonder how to get into the necessary position when your legs are already in it up to the hip.
33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages it.
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And after cutting those onions, wash the stainless steel blade, and touch your fingers to it to neutralize the odor of the onion on your hands . Sounds hokey, but it works.

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Well, shoot, LA Geez, here's one for ya:

"Of all the people who have ever lived, more than half of them are still alive."
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du Tabac wrote:
Well, shoot, LA Geez, here's one for ya:

"Of all the people who have ever lived, more than half of them are still alive."
Yup, I knew that.

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And on the Advance of Technology:

"If all of human history were somehow compressed into fifty years, then the Wright Bros. first flight happened a little over three minutes ago."

'Growing in numbers,
growing in speed.'

- Moby
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Levi Straus owns the contract to supply the linen for US Money..
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Here's the link to the whole shebang in Snopes. Some true, some not.

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cynner wrote:
Have you verified all of these with snopes.com?

I used to work in the library business......the books most stolen from libraries are test preparation guides for civil-service exams and books on the occult.
i can vouch for that when i worked at the library as well!
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Like I do...
I was following the links on the internet and it led to this:

Not the way I heard it...

1. Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of the blood and sweat of the oppressed proletariat, and that's why your wallet smells so funky.

2. The Declaration of Independence was written in disappearing ink, just in case we lost.

3. The round things on girl's chests are called "tittles", or something like that.

4. A wino dropped in a vat of champagne will complain it doesn't taste like Thunderbird.

5. Phyllis Diller invented the pickle that is named after her (the Phylly).

6. 60% of McDonald's profits don't come from the sales of Happy Meals.

7. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled, and five geeks tragically went blind trying to find every single one.

8. The '7' on 7UP comes from its first marketer, who had seven legs. He was some kind of freakin alien, man!

9. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents, daily, and do those kids get tired of being passed around so much.

10. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are Siamese twins.

11. Chocolate affects a girl's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will seduce a small sized girl. With someone like Rosie O'Donnell, we're talking a couple tons, but why bother?

12. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode. Scientists are at a loss as to who the hell keeps giving torpedoes to whales.

13. Few fish wear lipstick.

14. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he advocates the violent overthrow of Chinese restaurants.

15. Opium was sold in the 1800s as ketchup, which may explain the popularity of hot dogs.

16. The fact that upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters is hardly interesting at all.

17. Leonardo DA Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time . hence, multi-tasking was invented.) By the way, very few people realize that Leonardo even WAS a D.A. He solved the Lindbergh kidnapping and personally painted the kidnapper, giving him three coats with light sanding after the first two.

18. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood, as were the majority of the actors receiving them.

19. There are no cocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos. Every gambler you see there, every single one, has no dick.

20. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan; there was never a recorded Wendy before! Of course, this disregards the many Wendys whose names were short for "Gwendolyn," not to mention that "Peter Pan" was a play before it was a book, and--oh, never mind, it jut got all boring.

21. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: June, moon, and spoon! That's assuming you use a Tagalog dictionary, of course.

22. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips because he kept nicking them with the points.

23. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death. A larger amount applied to a coed resutls in hours of fun.

24. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk's mask painted white. Few people realize that Captain Kirk was actually purple with pink spots.

25. If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19 You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar (good to know.). In addition, you have three cents more than the annual per capita income of several Asian and African countries.

26. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand (and you thought this list was completely useless.). For an even greater thrill, stick your head straight down in the quicksand and stick your legs straight up. We call this "Journey to the Center of the Earth."

27. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your penis. It got changed to "thumb" when the women in the courtroom snickered and muttered, "Ya got THAT right, ducks!"

28. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola. The record player was not a success, as the needle tended to skip when hit hit the front grille.

29. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples! And vodka won't make you drunk! True! you can Drink an drink an it never ever makesh you drong. Sho go gemee shome more vokka. An, an I can use shome celererery too. the shnakes are back! geddem offa me, geddem offa me...you're preddy, ya know that? Blaaarggghhh.

30. Chewing gum while peeling onions will make you fart like a motorboat!

31. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is gum arabic, which could pose a real problem.

32. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries. In convenience stores, the honors are held by Bouncy Boobs 'N Butts, however.

33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat Weetabix before they go into space because throwing up in a space suit damages it.

34. Jerry Seinfeld said it best about Martha Stewart: "What is the deal with Martha Stewart? Huh? Huh? Can somebody tell me? What?"
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If agriculture had never been invented the world population of humans today would be 250,000.
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windbreaker wrote:
33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages it.
I was thinking that you, windbreaker, might be an expert on this one.

Enquiring minds want to know.

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I always thought it was unusual that only 50% of the teams that make to the Superbowl actually win.
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Well actually #2 about the Declaration is no entirely true Hemp is not marihuana. Hemp has to extract over time Tetrahydrocannabinol,THC, from the ground to be marihuana. Maybe the smoked the real marihuana and used to bad stuff for paper and rope.
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They say that every year, we pass the anniversary of our own death.

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Do you know that George Washington made most of his money growing hemp? He sold it to the US Navy reaping huge profits. It was also common practice for him to give small part of the crop to his slaves for their own use. We may never know why he thought his slaves would need all of that rope.
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