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Hello MP3 Riders,

Sorry to ask such a broad question, but I need to get answers...from MP3 riders. I have been reading over the forum for about a month now...to get an idea of how it is to own a MP3...Currently, I have a deposit down on demon black MP3 500 with my local dealership. The OTD price is $10,800 (taxes,fees,etc.).... which has me thinking whether this expensive scooter is worth the price. The MP3s are hard to come by in my area....so there was no room for negotiating. From what I read on this forum, there seems to be a lot of maintenance to keep the MP3 on the road...especially the MP3 500. I know I would save on gas....but in return...it seems I would loose in maintenance...Such as checkups, breaks, tires, etc.

Before I make my final decision...I would like some opinions....I am also curious if anyone regrets purchasing the MP3...Especially the MP3 500. This would be my first scooter. I have never driven a motorcycle or scooter before....

I would rather loose my deposit...than lose $10,000...on a scooter that is not reliable. Please provide any opinions, advice, etc.

Thank You,
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Worth is pretty subjective. Consider that the MSRP of a 500 is about $1,000 more than a "typical" scooter or mid-sized motorcycle. Not really a lot when you consider the technology and increased capabilities of the MP3. So - you pay your money here or you pay it there - so let's just throw cost out the door as not very relevant. Maintenance - every bike has maintenance to keep the warranty valid and the bike running at peak form and to keep it roadworthy. There are slightly more items to scooter maintenance due to the fact that it has a CVT and not a manual gearbox so warranty maintenance will be a little higher. Bear in mind that these items apply to most scooters but not typically motorcycles. The tires are slightly smaller than a motolrcycles' which means that they will wear a little faster. Wear is also determined by the type of tire purchased. Sticky high performance tires will wear faster but increase grip on the road - so consider carefully the type and location of your driving. Now for the extra money you get a bike that can stand up by itself, has increased stability, stopping power and a natural resistance to common hazards that plague motorcycles. MP3's are IMHO less likely to be affected by: rain grooved roads, metal mesh surfaces like on bridges, small hazards such as rocks and other typical road detritus, railroad tracks and slick spots. So - it's IMHO a safer machine. Hope this answers some of your questions. My 500 has been very reliable so far. My MPG has been running 52-55 mpg in mixed driving. Plenty of power and superb handling.
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Bottom line, at least for me, ABSOLUTELY! I am on my second MP3. The first was a 250 that I bought on April 4, 2007. I put 7,500 blissful miles on it. As soon as the 500 was available here I bought the first Passion Red one that was available. A lady here in Baton Rouge bought my 250 and has already put "dibs" on my 500. As you can see from my signature block, I also own a Honda Silver Wing and a Suzuki Boulevard S40. The Silver Wing is woefully neglected. I seem to ride the Suzuki enough to just keep the battery charged. I ride the MP3 ALL THE TIME! Will I buy an MP3-850 when it becomes available? Yep!

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Re: MP3 500...Is it worth buying?
BiZzKiTtKiLlA wrote:
Hello MP3 Riders,


This would be my first scooter. I have never driven a motorcycle or scooter before....


Thank You,
If you've never been on a bike before, I would STRONGLY suggest taking the basic riders course first. These things top the scales at 538lbs. With two gyroscopes (wheels) up front, they require countersteering to initiate lean and turn.

If you don't know what countersteering is, I would encourage you even more to take the basic riders course before purchasing.

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I greatly appreciate the responses. This will defintely help with my decision making

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Re: MP3 500...Is it worth buying?
"I would encourage you even more to take the basic riders course before purchasing".

Thank you for the advice. I have signed up for a basic rider course next month. I wanted something sooner...but the classes seem to be filling up ....around here. I wonder why
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One word.. YES!.

Check out my wiki below for more info.
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You don't say where you are from Biz..Or if you are in a heavily populated area or out in the boon docks like myself. When I got my 250 delivered to me, I rode it around the property for a while until I felt confortable, then I ventured out to the side streets with little or no traffic present to get my turning and stopping down pact. When I felt more secure, I ventured out to the main street and took on the cagers. Yeah, my heart was thumping since I felt so vulnerable, but I soon got over it and you will too.
Go for it man....

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Just updated my profile to show my location ....Thanks for the adivce with learning on side streets. This will definitely build my confidence. I wish I could do my motorcycle safety course on the MP3 500...but...unfortunately I will have to use one of motorcycles in the class. Since now I have to learn how to drive a motorcycle...I have been practicing on a 600cc Suzuki Cruiser (not sure of the name)....A friend of mine in the neighborhood has been given me some leasons...Hopefully, this will help build my confidence with dealing with balance...since it is a heavy motorcycle...
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It appears your main concern is the price, which I can certainly understand as I had the same concern myself. I would not worry about the reliability too much. No, it is not as well built as a BMW or a Lexus but boards like this give you a skewed picture. There are plenty of people out there putting trouble free miles on their machines. When it came to the cost, I decided that extra front wheel improved my chances of staying upright over a normal two wheeler. Any unplanned asphalt surfing would quickly cost me more in repair bills, hospital bills, downtime from work etc. So, I went with the MP3 and have no regrets.
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I am a 2 month owner of a Demon Black 500. Some points I would seriously consider before buying one:

1. Take the MSF Basic Rider Safety Course. It makes a huge difference. It will teach you how to properly ride, especially crash avoidance, and countersteering.

2. The 500 is like 580 pounds when gas is in the tank. It is heavy. I would get some sort of experience riding in at least the MSF first.

3. You see all of these issues because you are on a bulletin board for MP3s. Many of us do not have issues, but do not say anything because it is going fine.

4. It is a TOTAL blast.
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Ah..So you're a Floridian...Well, you're already ahead of the game since you're able to ride year round. With the course, you're better off learning on their bike than your brand new MP3. I just dropped mine recently, but it was a "soft" drop ( if there is such a thing) and I still suffered a small scrape. Big or small, a scrape or scratch on you bike is still a "scatch". Work out your demons on their bike, after all, you are paying big bucks for that course.
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While this does not address your question, I felt the need to post this because it's something that's been bugging me for a while now. A previous poster mentioned something about requiring the use of couner-steering to initiate a turn on the 500. While the statement is essentially true, it may not be what you think.

My first ever brush with almost dropping my 500 was after reading some threads about the technique on these forums. The effect of initiating a conscious counter-steering maneuver is instant and will drop you and your bike before you know it if you're not VERY careful.

I'm no expert and what I'm about to say is based solely on my experience as a new rider. Please take with grain of salt...

IMO, to imply that you HAVE to consciously apply counter-steering is a bit drastic to say to a new rider. I also never road a motor bike of any sort before getting my 500. Never even hearing the term "counter-sterring" before, I simply got on it and rode it. It turned as easy a my 10 speed bicycle... It's not rocket science. It was way easier than I ever expected. That was my impression after the first minute I was riding it.

IMO, you should initiate forced counter-steer when you REALLY need to make that tight quick turn, to swerve for crash avoidance and-or only if you fully understand the concept. Anyone that can ride a bicycle knows how to counter-steer. Our body's just do it naturally to some degree without even thinking about it. It is very intuitive and most people don't even know that they know how to do it. If you're gonna try to force it, my advise would be to be gentle!!

In any case, if you can ride a bicycle, you will have no trouble steering your 500. With or without the notion of counter-steering.

And before I get blasted... just want to say that I think it definitely is something every rider should understand at some point and the proper knowledge of it's use can potentially save your life.

I'm not posting this to show any disrespect for the person that brought it up. I just wanted clarify for a fellow new rider that jumping on your brand new mp3 500 pushing and pulling on the handle bars in the opposite direction that you want to turn will most likely result in a spill. Just do what feels most natural at first and don't over-think it. Then make an appointment for a basic rider course. To which I'll add, you can safely do after you purchase the scoot.

Oh yeah, it's worth it!


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I too am leary about moving up to the 500 from my well-liked 250; it seems there are more service issues with its engine and design of components like the radiator hose. Anyway, I was able to test ride one for several miles and... WOW! It will positively run away and hide from my 250. And the styling is starting to grow on me...a lot.

Another benefit that is hard to put a price on is the "cool factor" that comes as standard equipment on every mp3. Few if any motorcycles or other scooters have such roadside presence, which automatically bring smiles to everyonewho sees one. Revel in the exclusivity!

Now, if only someone can do something about the economy, and my financial position was where it was 1 year ago, I think I would make the upgrade...you only live once!
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I got my 500 July 27. My experience prior to that was about 4 mos with a scooter, the Rider Course and a Buell Blast. I weigh about 145, stand 5" 5.5', so I am short for the MP3. It took me a week to get used to it - not riding, that's the easy part, but stopping, starting takes a while.

Last week I went on my first rode trip - 500 miles round trip (posted on here somewhere). I am now comfortable on the highway at 80mph. I love the MP3. My car, a 2008 VW EOS convertible, hardly gets out anymore. The MP3 will probably pay for itself in gasoline and extended car life.

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I love my mp3 500! I had spent some months on a motorcycle and then switched to the mp3 and had no trouble adjusting to it. It took maybe an hour. I don't think that would have been the case if I'd never riden a motorcycle. Especially since at 5'5" I'm not quite tall enough to flat foot it on this scooter. Also, the weight is 4 times what I weigh so that scared me too.

I also had heartburn about the price especially since you can get a kawasaki vulcan 500 for several thousand less. But in the end the safety, looks, storage and new technology were what persuaded me. I don't regret my purchase at all.

I agree with the others - definitely take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation basic rider course before trying out your mp3. Even if you have to wait for the next mp3 that comes in or let it sit idle in your garage for a week or two. Better safe than sorry. I thought I read somewhere on the MSF paperwork that you could take the course on an mp3, but I agree that riding one of their bikes is better since you might drop it.

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If you're gonna try to force it, my advise would be to be gentle!!
No one ever said you have to push hard, just a gentle push on the bars a she turns real nice. You get in a turn and push hard you're going down Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Laughing emoticon

Wayne B
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Wayne B wrote:
If you're gonna try to force it, my advise would be to be gentle!!
No one ever said you have to push hard, just a gentle push on the bars a she turns real nice. You get in a turn and push hard you're going down Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Laughing emoticon

Wayne B
yup what Wayne said.
a gental push of the palm of your hand in the direction you want to go. DO NOT PUSH AND PULL this will only get you in trouble if you are not a seasoned and experienced rider.
remeber to practise the things you were taught in MSF class on swerving and braking in open (NO CARS AROUND) areas. great places to do this is in really big parking lots that are not used anymore and down seldom used roads that you can gently feel the bike lean from side to side within your lane.

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I appreciate everyone's responses....This Saturday is the day that I am suppose to pickup the MP3 500.....Have to make a decision soon!
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BiZzKiTtKiLlA wrote:
I appreciate everyone's responses....This Saturday is the day that I am suppose to pickup the MP3 500.....Have to make a decision soon!
Might I suggest reading Styles post on what to do at pickup before you head down there...
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Not to hijack the thread, but I feel like I probably generated the countersteering conversation with my last post. Let me be explicit:

countersteering is a very gentle push with the palm of the hand. increase or decrease pressure as needed. It allows for much tighter turns than simply leaning the bike. It is absolutely necessary for high-speed swerving. Do not try it unless you have been instructed in it. You will go down if you do not know the limits. There. My conscience is clear. Laughing emoticon



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luthorhuss wrote:
BiZzKiTtKiLlA wrote:
I appreciate everyone's responses....This Saturday is the day that I am suppose to pickup the MP3 500.....Have to make a decision soon!
Might I suggest reading Styles post on what to do at pickup before you head down there...

Thank you for the info. I just pasted into notepad/printed....to use as my checklist...I can just imagine how the dealership will react....In this case...I am sure they have no choice. Even though the MP3 500 is hard to get (The dealership now has 3)....No one is buying because of the economy situation...and since gas has gotten a lot cheaper in the last two weeks...$3.20 gallon down here..Wow!!
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love it
I started with an mp3 250, & loved it so much I moved up to a Gilera Fuoco 500, as they are called here in England.
I have to say the 250 was a bit more nimble on corners, seems almost as quick off the mark, did more to the gallon, but the 500 has stomp, way better two up, & looks wicked.
Mine is demon black two, or was it's just been sprayed, Black metalflake flip flop pearl, its going to look even more wicked.
Is it worth it, I've prob lost more on it than any other Bike I've owned, but it does put a smile on your face, how much is happyness worth? 8)
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When I lived in Hawaii I had a small Honda scooter. A strong head wind would just about bring me to a stand still but I still loved it. A few years ago I rode a Yamaha FZ6. Liked it but didn't love it. Sold it with a promise to myself that when I found a scooter that I liked I would get it.

On a whim I visited my local dealership and saw the MP3's and scheduled a test ride for that weekend. After the test ride I purchased it on the spot. Haven't looked back. Love it! This is the fun I was looking for with the sport bike and didn't find. The increased stability, speed and looks (mine is also demon black) clenched the deal. I have put several hundred miles on it and it runs great.
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I was exactly where you are, in May. I had never ridden anything but a bike. I took the MSF Rider Course and was still scared to ride.

I ordered a MP3 400 , due to the safety factor of the two wheels. I could not even drive it home. I was scared. My neighbor, a retired motorcycle cop, tutored me. He made me take baby steps, without traffic. He had me follow the lines of the curbs and practice figure eights, etc. I went from the neighborhood to the 40 MPH street and he made me wait 3-4 weeks to go to the busier streets. After two months, I felt comfortable getting out on
the bypass and going 60. It has been five months or so now and I am very comfortable on the MP3. It is more fun than anything I have ever done with a ride. I have no regrets. When my windshield gets in, next week I will go after the interstate. My advice is to read the books, take the course and just go slow and take baby steps. Since purchasing on May 23rd, I have put 2,300 miles on it and not a scratch on my body. I always wear my helmet and encourage you to do the same. Good Luck!
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Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon I am having an MP3 for 11 months now. End of August this year I bought a Kawasaki ER6N 650cc and rode it for less than 2 weeks it was SOLD! Reasons was the power of that bike is a bit too good for a person with tennis elbows and a bad back. I was glad that I kept my MP3 250. And Yes it is way better than any other bikes that I have rode before. Well as least for me. As for maintenances is concerned, it is not to bad on you side. Compare apple to apple, we are paying up to our nose here. Good Luck and hope that one one day you will be posting as to how happy you are to have bought the MP3. Cheers!
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tootsnpurple wrote:
... but it does put a smile on your face, how much is happyness worth? 8) [/b]
Says it all mate.
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