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Hey Guys,

So like a good scooter owner I cover my Vespa every night before going in. I own a Vega cover... it does the job.

My question is about the hooks underneath. So I pull the cover out from the pet carrier and get it on... no problem. To secure the hooks underneath I have to go to one side make sure they are out. Go to the other side kneel down... look under... reach... look again. Really it is just sort of annoying. So my question is - Is there some trick I am not aware of like adding something to the hook to feed it underneath so I don't have to kneel down adn reach under the bike?

Random question I hope you guys can help.

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My cover (and yours too, if you got it from Herb Cambers) has vents that go over the mirrors. I use the vents to line the cover up before tossing it on. Go the front, pull down over the wheel, go to the back, pull down over the topcase and license plate, and then just sort of shimmy from side to side to get it even. Then, on the left side (more open, less chance of getting burned), squat, reach, and hook. It goes a lot quicker once you get practiced.

Now if I could find a way to not have half my ass hanging out while doing said procedure...
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Ha - one and the same. The issue is when I get home I have my helmet on, my jacket, my backpack, just got home from the gym, and when I attempt that squat its all over... I'm going down. I just feel there has to be a trick other than reaching under.

Thank you for the advice

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I'd imagine it'd be pretty awkward hooking the cover with a helmet on. Mine is off and in the topcase when I'm covering. Popping it off and resting it on the sidewalk might help you out. But yeah, you've gotta squat or kneel to get down there. Helps to double check that the straps aren't caught up in the kickstart or anything before you get down there. And as I mentioned before, watch out, the undercarriage will burn you if you're gloveless.

Of course, if you're in a decent neighborhood and it's not windy, you could always just not hook it.
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To bring the hook from the other side of the scooter I attach them to a stick, I keep in my car, then pull the stick, along with the hook, to the other side of the scooter and attach. Saves the knees.
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I threw them away.

I take the cover off when it's windy anyway.
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Here's what I do (please excuse the rough Photoshop sketch). You can shorten the length of rope as need be by looping it through a few times:
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I dont use the hook on my cheap Walmart cover. Even when its windy, I havent needed the hooks.

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