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When in fact we're slip sliding away....

I just had my first brush with losing traction on what I assume was one wheel up front. I was making a protected left (i.e. green arrow light) hand turn on to a 4 lane street and was trying to go a little wide to avoid a rain saturated man hole cover. At the same time a very nice automobile, from the opposite direction, decided to turn into the right lane at the same time. I wasn't that close to hitting him, but when I leaned to sharpen the turn the only option was to send the left front tire of the manhole cover. It felt like it slid out to the right about 2-3 inches, not very much, but enough that I took notice and came out of the turn holding my breath.

Is there some way to "practice" losing the front end like that in a controlled setting? Has anyone done this? I wasn't going very fast at all but I was still startled a little, and that is not the feeling I want to have when it happens again, not that I intend on it happening, but I'd rather be prepared.

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no praticing that manuver, that is something you need to be aware of and avoid like you tried to. riding in the wet you really have to be on your game at all times and take your time with traffic. be prepared as yoou can, think of different outs you can take all the time. Its always playing the what if game you know. The only thing I can suggest is to pratice the what if game every time you ride and mentally go through different things that you could do if this was to happen. the best time to do this of course is when no other cars or anything is around . you just have to imagine scenarios.
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MP3 500 - 08 29 08 - Red
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MP3 500 - 08 29 08 - Red
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The other things to watch out for are the painted lines and arrows in the intersections. In the rain or wet conditions they can be as slippery as ice.

Try to avoid them, but if you can't then go over them slowly and without too much lean.

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Looks like the second front wheel saved your behind.
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