I recently just bought a vespaGTS250ei glossy black, beautiful bike. I walked into my garage and to my surprise there was two guys crouched down by my new bike trying to steal it!!!!!! Naturally i spoke up and said "hey!! wtf? are you doing?" they walked up and to me with a bat(that was my own leaning against a nearby wall) and proceeded to use it on me untill i was unconciense.
i found out later, a neighbor of mine run them off with a gun as they were rolling out my garage with my new 6,000 dollar invested toy.. they dropped the bike and jumped in there car and high tailed it out of there.....So after i recovered from my injuries i finally went out to my garage to see the damage done to my new baby....the panel behind the steering was removed and hanging by the trunk pop cable and electric button wire....(am crying) also the ignition was dug out with a skrew driver and the actual plastic ignition switch was hanging out from the wires.....the ring that went around my ignition im guessing that is the code engine immobilizer the wires were cut off(three wires) and the ring is on the floor with the plug on it and the code thingy is cracked and damaged badly...(attached to the ring) i tried to start the bike using the plastic ignition switch i turned it on till all my accessories and head lights came on...but no surprise the starter button didnt work...i didnt buy it with any type of warranty and the local dealer i bought it from will not help without me paying a buttload of money to fix it back to dealer stock.nothing on the engine was damaged.......how do i bypass or remove it completely so i may continue to enjoy riding my baby? o and yes i put an alarm system on my garage now:D!! and bought a heavy duty chain and concrete mounts to anchor my baby to the floor of my garage so shell be there the nex morning every morning..but the dealer told me it would cost about 2,000 dollars to fix all the damage with the ignition and to replace the whole entire anti-theft coded key immobilizer system and to get new chip keys and to replace the lil damage to the body from them dropping it and running from my trigger happy neighbor who i have a new found friendship...lol is there anything i can do to remove the whole system? i think that would be a cheaper route.. Im buying a new ignition key lock that aint computer key controlled..i think ima go manual if possible....please help a gimp in need....