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I recently just bought a vespaGTS250ei glossy black, beautiful bike. I walked into my garage and to my surprise there was two guys crouched down by my new bike trying to steal it!!!!!! Naturally i spoke up and said "hey!! wtf? are you doing?" they walked up and to me with a bat(that was my own leaning against a nearby wall) and proceeded to use it on me untill i was unconciense.
i found out later, a neighbor of mine run them off with a gun as they were rolling out my garage with my new 6,000 dollar invested toy.. they dropped the bike and jumped in there car and high tailed it out of there.....So after i recovered from my injuries i finally went out to my garage to see the damage done to my new baby....the panel behind the steering was removed and hanging by the trunk pop cable and electric button wire....(am crying) also the ignition was dug out with a skrew driver and the actual plastic ignition switch was hanging out from the wires.....the ring that went around my ignition im guessing that is the code engine immobilizer the wires were cut off(three wires) and the ring is on the floor with the plug on it and the code thingy is cracked and damaged badly...(attached to the ring) i tried to start the bike using the plastic ignition switch i turned it on till all my accessories and head lights came on...but no surprise the starter button didnt work...i didnt buy it with any type of warranty and the local dealer i bought it from will not help without me paying a buttload of money to fix it back to dealer stock.nothing on the engine was damaged.......how do i bypass or remove it completely so i may continue to enjoy riding my baby? o and yes i put an alarm system on my garage now:D!! and bought a heavy duty chain and concrete mounts to anchor my baby to the floor of my garage so shell be there the nex morning every morning..but the dealer told me it would cost about 2,000 dollars to fix all the damage with the ignition and to replace the whole entire anti-theft coded key immobilizer system and to get new chip keys and to replace the lil damage to the body from them dropping it and running from my trigger happy neighbor who i have a new found friendship...lol is there anything i can do to remove the whole system? i think that would be a cheaper route.. Im buying a new ignition key lock that aint computer key controlled..i think ima go manual if possible....please help a gimp in need....
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Your home owners insurance should cover the main cost of repairs/damage. Get a copy of the police report and call your insurance agent. Aso call who ever you have scooter insurance with and get them involved if need be.

Sorry about the robbery and your scoot. Maybe the police can get some leads and catch the guys.
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What a nightmare
It sounds like you are or are going to be OK and that's really the most important thing. I mean, you were attacked with a baseball bat for god's sake! A Louisville Slugger I presume (sorry, couldn't resist). I agree with the other poster. Definitely contact your insurance agent and get a copy of the police report.

Good Luck!
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call me irresponsible, but i don't believe 1 word of this story. more likely mr. 1st post stole a scooter and is trying to figure out how to get it to run.
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chad wrote:
call me irresponsible, but i don't believe 1 word of this story. more likely mr. 1st post stole a scooter and is trying to figure out how to get it to run.
I agree

Forgave me if I'm a bit dubious too.

This is your first post and you're asking how to replace/bypass the anti theft system.

What happened is true, and if so I'm sorry this happened to you.

But I don't see any mention of anyone calling the Police.

trowl and cuffs may be right about your home insurance, but you have Motorcycle insurance too, right.

The Police would have given you a case number for you to file with the Police.

As for buying a new ignition that is not a anti-theft coded key immobilizer system, I don't believe that is possible.
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There is no way to bypass the immobilizer. If you can replace or repair the immobilizer antenna (ring around the ignition) then you should be able to get the bike to start, as long as you've got the key.
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Forgive me for being cold if this is true story, then sorry--call your home and vehicle insurance companies for help.

The odds are this is totally bogus--like the guy who just need $10 to get the bus to go home to his sick wife. Breaks my heart to be hard, but this has all the hallmarks of a scam.

The good news is that a damaged immobilizer must be replaced. By a dealer. Who would probably report a suspicious story to the cops who have police reports.

Life sucks.

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I agree with the sketchyness of the post... (perhaps a moderator can verify where the computer is located that was used to make the post??)

IF it is legit - (my apologies!!!) - then the OP should immediately file a police report for starters and contact home owners and scooter insurance companies. That way they are only out the deductible. Also, I suspect that the local scooter shop would be very helpful in this situation.

Best wishes for victims of theft,

Desi B.

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well i dont care if certain people believe me or not...
I have a forum membership to honda sprees and elites, i have been an avid rider of scooters for over 10 years....this is my first big bike and yes i do have a police report and yes my (moto)insurance has a copy of it as well. As far as homeowners insurance goes. I rent a house from a friend of mine if he has it and it will cover it thru him renting it out then yes id love for them to pay for it and replace it all back to stock immobilizer and all....this is my first post because like i said i just recently bought it...and havent had any issues..and im really not here to try to justify to anyone. i thought other riders show respect to other riders.....just because were riders....Im no theif and never will be...i work hard for my money and deserve to buy me a toy and protect it. Ill check if the insurance will pay for it...if so then ill get it all back the way it was when i bought it....that would be great...but for now till i find out more from the insurance comp. im gonna try to figure out how to fix it for cheap..ive got pictures of what it looks like before it was stolen and pics of it after the attempt....reguard less of who believes what i dont care, thank you for those who gave a response and tried to help me...i will still be open for suggestions
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Again - apologies for jumping to conclusions...

From what I understand (and I had to have the complete ignition replaced due to the dealer losing my master key) - There is no possible way to bypass the electronic CDI/etc. At the very least, take all the pieces/parts to the dealer and if you still have the original keys/etc, maybe you can get by with simply replacing a part or two to get you running, but I doubt it.

Also - just in the way of constructive criticism, I suggest you review your original post and try to analyze why most people who responded were skeptical - if you can't figure it out, feel free to PM me and I will be happy to make some suggestions to you about how to get your point legitimately across to others in a believable way.

Best wishes,

Desi B.
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gts 250 "ei" ?


if you are on many forums, you'll know that moderators generally delete posts on how to bypass anti-theft devices.

so.. i think that many can point you in the direction of repairing the scooter, but not bypassing its protective aspects...

although maybe its different on the "ei" model
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These posts read like the email scams I get from the Republic of Malawi.....
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Relax, everyone. If it is the rightful owner, he has the key. He can replace the aerial (or maybe even solder it back together... unsure of how damaged it is) and get the scooter started. If he doesn't have the key, it's no skin off our noses.

There's simply no way to bypass the immobilizer on a GTS.
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Splice the cut wires and use the key as usual. If the lock cylinder is destroyed, take the bike to the dealer (or a scooter shop) to get it replaced.

The immobilizer cannot be bypassed. If the bike is so new, you should have no problem taking it back to the place of purchase to have it repaired. Your comprehensive insurance (you do have comp coverage on a brand new GTS, right?) should cover it.

Please understand that we are hesitant to publish details about the locking and immobilizer systems. Even though you may have good intentions, this is a public forum that anyone can access, even thieves.

(To any thieves who may be watching: fuck you, you fucking fuck.)
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Take a look at this wreck, maybe you can pick up the parts you need.

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which makes me think, i wonder if i even have a working immobilizer..my led doesnt blink...
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OK, Mr. OP, here's a deal: I will be driving through Louisville this Friday afternoon. You PM me with contact details, show me your scooter, your title, and your injuries, and I'll show you what to do to get it back on the road.

What neighborhhood was this incident in? In my aunt's neighborhood off Taylorsville Road, most people don't even lock their doors, and there are few incidents.

+++ EDITED ONE DAY LATER: No, I haven't heard from the victim. +++
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The immobilizer is integral to the ECU and cannot be bypassed. You do not need a new ECU. You'll have to replace the key switch and immobilizer (ring) antenna, and splice the antenna connector wiring. The antenna has no imbedded "smarts"; it doesn't contain, store, or perform logic on any security information. It's an RF modem - the "telephone" between the ECU and the key.

Here's hoping the perpetrators are caught. Theft is nothing compared to assault.
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Hopefully you did have insurance on a new $7,000 dollar vehicle, right? Then let them take care of it.
Also can you post the pics of the scoot after the accident? I have always wondered what the inside of a GTS looks like (on a personal note not being sarcastic).
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Renters insurance, maybe?

Call a dealer. They'll happily tell you what you need to do.
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Re: well i dont care if certain people believe me or not...
vrider502 wrote:
.... im gonna try to figure out how to fix it for cheap..ive got pictures of what it looks like before it was stolen and pics of it after the attempt....reguard less of who believes what i dont care, thank you for those who gave a response and tried to help me...i will still be open for suggestions
If you have those before and after pictures, it might be helpful to post them so that some of the experts (not me!) on this board can give you some advice on the possibility of just having to replace a part or two...

...or, it sounds like 'Bobovespa' is making you one killer offer that would be hard to refuse!!

Best wishes,

Desi B.

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Re: well i dont care if certain people believe me or not...
As much as I would like to see pix of the scooter, I'd also like to see some before and after pix of the Louisville Slugger damage...

I don't know a lot of folks who wake up after they get clocked in the dome by a baseball bat. I do, however, know a lot of people don't wake up afterwards...

Sorry if the MV crew is a little wary, but the story, the typing, the fact that it's your first post...

If we're wrong, sorry and we're all glad you're okay. Nothing worse than getting robbed, beaten with a baseball bat, AND having your new baby smashed up too. That's like the trifecta of awful...

Let us know how it turns out, please.
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The prosecution calls for the before and after pictures please.

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My two cents is that the OP thinks we are buster-ass suckas who will help him get his stolen scoot running.

Would love to be wrong, but don't think I am.
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OP credibility would be enhanced if there was reference to a newspaper article about this crime or crimes. Unlawful entry, attempted theft, felonious assault? Certainly anyone who was beaten with a bat and left unconscious would have been taken to a hospital and the police called and that kind of stuff makes the papers and TV news. Surely there must be some evidence that this occurred.

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This story is full of holes.
1. Anyone who was assaulted with a ball bat and knocked unconscious would have been transported to the hospital for tests to see if their skull was fractured, or at the least, a concussion.
2. The police would have been called. An attack of this type is not a simple assault.

The OP pretty much glossed over those little details. I don't buy his story.....................NOT one little bit. I read where one of our members offered to go to his home and help him out but you notice that the OP has not posted since the he made the offer. Now, it stinks a little more.
If the OP was really assaulted, I have the greatest of sympathy for him but without any corroborating evidence that any of this happened, I'm going to stay in the "Doubting Thomas" camp. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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Well, it's a day later now, and I still haven't heard from the OP about my offer to help him out as I drive through Louisville tomorrow. Hmmmmm........
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He's humping our leg.

I did an on-line check of Louisville papers going back a month, trying to find any little blurb about an attempted Vespa or scooter theft, a baseball bat attack, unauthorized entry and so on. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I'm thinking either he has stolen the scooter or wants to steal it and needs our help. Stand strong, MVers, stand strong.
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Re: well i dont care if certain people believe me or not...
DenverScooterLawyer wrote:
I don't know a lot of folks who wake up after they get clocked in the dome by a baseball bat. I do, however, know a lot of people don't wake up afterwards...
Actually, my dad got knocked unconscious by a baseball bat to the head. It was when he was in his 70's, in the middle of the night during a rather upsetting home robbery. He came to and was able to run down the street to the neighbors to call the cops. No permanent damage, he didn't even need to be hospitalized.

And I dont' have comprehensive on my scooter because the neighborhood I live in has very low theft (not the same one as my parent's obviously!), and I figured I'd save the money.

But that said, I still find the OP's story a bit suspect because of the "presentation" and the fact that it was his first post, and I heartily agree we shouldn't give out any details on defeating the anti-theft, just as a matter of general policy.

If it is legit, he should go to the dealer he bought it from, explain the situation, and find out how much it would cost to just get it running again. Surely they could do that for a lot less than $2000. Especially if it doesn't have to look pretty, just function with the key.

Best of luck!

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I am now, and always have been with Nightwing. I will continue to support his efforts to expose those who would try to deceive us. It's not enough that this man violated our website, our community. But he also has stolen a Vespa, which is the Mercedes of scooters.

Know this, you crooks: In brightest day, in blackest night...wait...

Okay, someone has to help me come up with an original slogan for Nightwing.

My guess is he beat someone with a baseball bat and stole their scooter and now he wants us to help him find it. I bet if you could check IP addresses, his address isn't even in KY. Just a guess, tho.
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Use the tag lines from the movie.

In the dead of night they come - Swift - Silent - Savage

The day belongs to man. The night is theirs.

What do you fear most - the dark... or something that waits in the dark?

The bats of hell let loose upon the earth...
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Enough, already.

I realize you guys are suspicious, and you have every right to be. But continuing to beat up on this guy (legit or not) isn't going to accomplish anything. Nobody here knows how to defeat the immobilizer, so the point is pretty much moot. If the OP is the rightful owner, he'll be able to get the bike started without too much difficulty. If he's not, then he won't. End of story.
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