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'09 BV 250 Tourer
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'09 BV 250 Tourer
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Today, for the first time, my LX 150 stalled on me (went putt, putt, die) while I was riding about 20 mph through the neighborhood on the way to work. It was cold, maybe around 38-40 degrees, but it was colder yesterday. I did fill up the tank yesterday afternoon but took the scoot for a 20 mile ride right after the fill up with no problems. I had a slight fuel spill on fill up but nothing that hasn't happened before, and I try to be careful not to overfill.
I was able to easily re-start the engine after the stall, but this is a little unnerving. Thankfully there weren't any cagers right behind me and I wasn't on a heavily traveled road.
Any thoughts on this problem?
I did get to work and back home again and it didn't repeat the stall, but this is only about a 10 mile ride.
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I wouldn't think the temperatures caused the problem...I have the same engine and ridden in much colder temperatures without an issue.

You say you overfilled? Could be the good 'ol Evap Hose issue rearing it's head again. It's only stalled once though, so I wouldn't get too worked up over it, although it is unnerving to stall in traffic, I'm sure.

Is your evap hose still hooked up?
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09 GTS300 Super black, 04 GT 200 smoky, 05 GT 125 smoky (in pieces)
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Check the spark plug and tweak the idle adjustment screw. That should fix it for you.
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