Today, for the first time, my LX 150 stalled on me (went putt, putt, die) while I was riding about 20 mph through the neighborhood on the way to work. It was cold, maybe around 38-40 degrees, but it was colder yesterday. I did fill up the tank yesterday afternoon but took the scoot for a 20 mile ride right after the fill up with no problems. I had a slight fuel spill on fill up but nothing that hasn't happened before, and I try to be careful not to overfill.
I was able to easily re-start the engine after the stall, but this is a little unnerving. Thankfully there weren't any cagers right behind me and I wasn't on a heavily traveled road.
Any thoughts on this problem?
I did get to work and back home again and it didn't repeat the stall, but this is only about a 10 mile ride.