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Just curious...

For our European friends who have purchased a new 300 Super (and may have had a 250 GTS before), what is the tradeoff in mileage for the slight increase in power?

Do tell...

Kilometers per Liter on a 300 Super:_______
Kilometers per Liter on a 250 GTS:_______


Desi B.
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250 75mpg
300 68mpg

But not run in yet, only at 700km and the mpg has been creeping up with every tank. First tank was about 65mpg. My riding is mostly stop and go in London. This is UK mpg.
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Cool - Thanks!

Techie Question - I can convert liters to gallons and kilometers to miles - but what the heck is the difference between UK MPG and American MPG? Boy do I wish the U.S. had shifted to the metric system back in the 70s...

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An imperial gallon is larger than a US gallon. I know it's confusing when we use the same word. Kinda like the word ton. Do you mean long ton, gross ton, metric ton, etc...

One imperial gallon is equal to about 1.2 US gallons. This is why when you hear an MPG rating based on imperial gallons, it always seems too high.
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Oh yeah, and it's usually not measured metrically in Kilometers per liter, it's measured in the much better method of liters of fuel burned per 100km. It gives a much better picture of fuel consumption.
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A US gallon is 0.833 Imperial gallons. An Imperial gallon is 1.2 US gallons.

So 75mpg and 68mpg (imperial) are 62.5 and 56 USmpg respectively.
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There is no slight increase in horsepower.

The GTS250ie is stated as having 22bhp
The GTS300 super is stated as having 21.5 bhp.

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Thanks for helping me pull my head out of my under-educated American arse!

Desi B.
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Pronto wrote:
There is no slight increase in horsepower.

The GTS250ie is stated as having 22bhp
The GTS300 super is stated as having 21.5 bhp.

pdf for the 250:


Sorry but you are wrong. You are confusing CV (chevaux translated as horses) and bhp. They ARE different things.

15.8 KW for the 300 21.5CV @ 7500 rpm
15.7 KW for the 250 21.3CV @ 8500 rpm

The peak torque is also developed at 1000 rpm less 22.3 vs 20.1 Nm. It WILL feel different and indeed it does feel less "revvy" than the 250.

Here is a quote that explains the difference between CV and bhp.
One measure to be aware of though is the "continental horsepower" or PS. This stands for "Pferdestaerke" - the German translation of "horsepower". In France you sometimes see the same measure being called a "CV" for Cheval Vapeur. This measure was chosen in Europe as being the closest thing to a horsepower that could be expressed in nice round metric units - 75 kilogramme metres per second to be exact. It is commonly used by car manufacturers nowadays and tends to get used synonymously with bhp although it is actually a slightly smaller unit of power. One PS is about 98.6% of one bhp.
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drewteague wrote:
Oh yeah, and it's usually not measured metrically in Kilometers per liter, it's measured in the much better method of liters of fuel burned per 100km. It gives a much better picture of fuel consumption.
Not sure whether I agree. Razz emoticon These are the figures quoted for cars but figures for Scooters are quoted in Km/l on some sort of ECE cycle, something like 29 for the GTS. On the 300 I am getting a real 24Km/l in city riding. These numbers would look silly for cars....
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My GTS250ie @ 2,000+ Kms

29.17 km/l (began at 27 km/l)
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If I am confusing HP, BHP and CV then so are Vespa:

From their website -

"The GTS250ie is the most powerful Vespa ever produced, and maintains Vespa's strong traditional values. It combines classic Vespa style with modern fuel injection and stunning performance. The GTS250ie is a flagship in every sense of the word.
Max power at shaft16.2 Kw (22 HP) at 8,250 rpm"

For half a horse you get:
Higher insurance - no one can tell the difference on the scooter, but the a 300cc is in a higher arbitrary class for insurance and registration.
Black wheels
Some vents at the back.
Need on "open" or de-restricted licence to ride one.

Nice bike.
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Pronto wrote:
If I am confusing HP, BHP and CV then so are Vespa:

From their website -

"The GTS250ie is the most powerful Vespa ever produced, and maintains Vespa's strong traditional values. It combines classic Vespa style with modern fuel injection and stunning performance. The GTS250ie is a flagship in every sense of the word.
Max power at shaft16.2 Kw (22 HP) at 8,250 rpm"

For half a horse you get:
Higher insurance - no one can tell the difference on the scooter, but the a 300cc is in a higher arbitrary class for insurance and registration.
Black wheels
Some vents at the back.
Need on "open" or de-restricted licence to ride one.

Nice bike.
Dunno what Vespa are saying, but if you look at their technical data sheets, power is (very slightly ) up. The main point however is that the torque is up and both power and torque peak figures are developed at 1000 rpm lower. I can assure you it does feel different in a good way. Insurance in the UK is no different from the 250. The restriction point in Europe is 125cc.

The websites that quote a power of 16.2 Kw seem to be Australia and the USA, who don't have the 300. Italy,UK (who do have the 300) and the rest of Europe quote 15.3, and always have. Go figure.....

Vespa have been known to post incorrect specs, especially where the US is concerned and why on earth would they bring out a 300cc with less power than the 250, just doesn't make any sense?

I only wanted mine because it was available in white.
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