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Vespa LX150 Moto Guzzi Breva 750
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In a freakin stretched limo
Reving his engine and jumping forward at a light. WTF is that about?

I was wondering if he had clients eggin' him on or if he was alone, could not tell through the tint. I hope he had passengers and they gave him all kinds of shit for getting smoked by a scooter. Razz emoticon

BTW I was not racing I swear, I just wanted to put a reasonably safe distance between me and him.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Last week I was at a light next to an overly sexy Corvette. Being a scooter I jumped off the line pretty quickly and it was only a couple hundred yards to the next light (welcome to Maple Grove, MN) So he pulls up next to me, does the whole rev the engine thing, then sequels off from the line on me. Too bad he was going so fast and that I have a tinted visor on my FF helmet since he couldn't see me laugh my arse off! I mean, seriously, you're in a 'vette, I'm on a scooter. Do you think I'm racing you?
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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I can just see him swaggering into his local watering hole:

"Yep, I beat out a guy on a Vespa on my way over here...left him in the dust...."
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'07 GTS 250ie, '09 MP3 500, '06 Harley Sportster '14 Ural Gear Up
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Heya Quip, Didn't I see ya speeding off the line last Thursday when those two scooters lined up with us on Mission and Army street?

LX 150
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LX 150
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This happened to me recently. Hot shot kid in a convertible muscle car of some sort looks over at me while at the red light, makes a little kissy face and says, "Hey baby, wanna race?" I opened the throttle maybe a little more aggressively than usual, but not much, and one block later I was straining my neck to turn around and get a look at him. Laughing emoticon
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Molto Verboso
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I met a guy riding a harley yesterday with his bee-otch on the back. He revved his engine real loud as I went by.

I was impressed.
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GTS 250ie
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I know that this is going to sound unbelievable...

I was taking a friend to church, so we were two up on a Vespa when a Subaru overtakes us by revving his engine and squealing the tyres. Around the next bend, all the traffic was being kept to 45km/h by a double decker bus that are constantly trundling around the mountain road between Stanley and the Aberdeen Tunnel.

Here is the bit that is unbelievable - in Hong Kong, a motorcycle is allowed to overtake on double lines - we overtook all the traffic at a stately 50 km/h.

My passenger just smiled and gave a royal wave as the Subaru was stuck in traffic.

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HaHaHaHa! I've had this happen numerous times to me! I've whipped a Mustang GT, a Camaro, and numerous other fast cars. The Mustang wasn't happy about being whipped off the line, so he floored it to show me. The Camaro did the same thing! I was laughin my freekin arse off! Vespas are pretty quick off the line to about 40. Fun times!
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Gobshite Shiva
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yes. it is fun to race. i love smoking the little gilera runner scooter thugs on wilma. she is mint green, and is presently sporting bear-paw handlebar muffs and a pink flower on the windscreen. she is also a very fast little scooter. oh, how they wind themselves up trying to catch me.
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