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a good price?? Since I'm a newbie, how do you make sure you're not getting ripped off when getting a used Vespa? Would you take it to the nearest dealership and pay the mechanic to look it over, or what? Thanks!

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I think it's a good price but I have seen 250's for only 800.00 more. Depends on what you want. I'd say that bike is in nice shape. Doubt that it needs checking out. Vespas are very good quality for the most part.

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That's a good price...
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GTS 300 midnight blue, GTS 250 dragon red
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GTS 300 midnight blue, GTS 250 dragon red
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That's an exellent price. I sold my GT a couple of years ago with 3,000 miles on it for $4,500. Didn't have a case, either.
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