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When I hit reserve the trip meter actually resets to zero automatically (i was on trip meter A when this happened). Really great feature as there's no more guessing when will it sputter and die.

So with a 2l reserve tank I'd assume we have at least 50km/30miles to look for a petrol station?

By the way does anyone know if we can toggle the digital display between metric and imperial measurements?
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chillicrab wrote:
By the way does anyone know if we can toggle the digital display between metric and imperial measurements?

Should be on pages 13-14 of your owner's manual. That bit of text in the PDF version is in Italian, but maybe you can puzzle through it:


Premere (e mantenere premuto per almeno 3 secondi) il tasto "MODE" «N» e contemporaneamente commutare in "on" la chiave di accensione.

Le icone "kmi" e "°E" cominceranno lampeggiare.

"Kmi" rappresenta la combinazione di "km" (chilometri) e "mi" (miglia)

"°E" rappresenta la combinazione di "°C" (gradi celsius) e "°F" (gradi fahrenheit).

Premendo il tasto "MODE" «N» per meno di un secondo le icone "km" e "mi" sono selezionate in modo sequenziale.

Premere il tasto "SET" «M» per confermare la scelta fatta.

Ora risulterà lampeggiante l'icona che indica la temperatura ambiente "°C" o "°F".

Premendo il tasto "MODE" «N» per meno di un secondo le icone "°C" e "°F" sono selezionate in modo sequenziale.

Premere il tasto "SET" «M» per confermare la scelta fatta.

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

IIRC there are also instructions somewhere on modernvespa.
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MP3 398.9
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MP3 398.9
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ramblerdan wrote:
chillicrab wrote:
By the way does anyone know if we can toggle the digital display between metric and imperial measurements?

Should be on pages 13-14 of your owner's manual. That bit of text in the PDF version is in Italian, but maybe you can puzzle through it:


Press (and hold for at least 3 seconds) MODE "button 'N' and simultaneously
switch to "on" the ignition key.

The icons "KMI" and "° E" will start flashing.

"Kmi" represents the combination of "km" (kilometers) and "mi" (miles)

"° E" represents the combination of "° C" (degrees celsius) and "° F" (degrees fahrenheit).

By pressing the "MODE" 'N' for less than a second icons "km" and "mi" are selected so sequentially.

Press the button "SET" 'M' to confirm the choice made.

Now is the flashing icon that indicates the temperature "° C or ° F".

By pressing the "MODE" 'N' for less than a second icons "° C" and "° F" will be selected on the way sequentially.

Press the button "SET" 'M' to confirm the choice made.

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

IIRC there are also instructions somewhere on modernvespa.
Got it, thanks! by the way, i've replaced the text you posted with the translated version for the benefit of everyone.


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It doesn't reset the tripmeter, it just displays the reserve milage as a seperate display. If you hit the mode button to cycle through the displays you will see your trip meter data is still there. Sometimes you will also see the bike showing the reserve meter and then it will disappear and your trip meter will re-appear, could be due to some fuel sloshing about and resetting the reserve. Note that when you go back onto the reserve display it will once again start at 0.0 km (or miles)
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Yeah, it's a cool feature.
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[quote="Zinfan"]It doesn't reset the tripmeter, it just displays the reserve milage as a seperate display. If you hit the mode button to cycle through the displays you will see your trip meter data is still there. Sometimes you will also see the bike showing the reserve meter and then it will disappear and your trip meter will re-appear, could be due to some fuel sloshing about and resetting the reserve. Note that when you go back onto the reserve display it will once again start at 0.0 km (or miles)[/quote]
If you cycle through your trip and temp and back to the reserve, it will not reset to 0.0. It will only reset if your fuel light went off after already coming on. Just clarifying
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