@alex4747 avatar

MP3 500 Black
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Location: San Jose - Manhattan Beach
@alex4747 avatar
MP3 500 Black
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Location: San Jose - Manhattan Beach
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I was coming home from work going south on PCH1 in Manhattan Beach, CA. Quite a bit of traffic but moving along. Nice 997 Carrera 4S Convertible next to me. Seemed like Dad and Son. All of a sudden, he steps on it and starts cutting into my lane and I brake. The tires skidded, but that bike stayed nicely put. I think he was able to hear it and pulled back to his lane, and in some stupid way trying to apologize. Keep in mind he could not go anywhere bc of the traffic. Freaked me out but I felt safe on that MP3 500

If he only knew that I have a 996 Turbo X50 that would have blasted him in a heat!

But believe it or not, while I love my Turbo, I look forward every morning to hopping on my MP3 and going to work!

Any other bike in that situation would have been hard to have controlled with barely any room to avoid the car in front and curb to the right.
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Molto Verboso
Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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Molto Verboso
@jacq avatar
Willow Rouge: Excaliber Silver MP3 250 VIN 3288
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Doesn't it just feel right!


Puch SRA150, MP3 400, Moto Guzzi 750 Nevada, BMW K75S
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Puch SRA150, MP3 400, Moto Guzzi 750 Nevada, BMW K75S
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Location: Glendale AZ (was Albury NSW)
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Re: MP3 has some awesome handling...
alex4747 wrote:
The tires skidded, but that bike stayed nicely put.
That sounds like you locked up the back in surprise, which is easy to do but not very effective in stopping.

I imagine it's hard to lock the front end...and if you use those brakes right you will stop in a very short space.


Trevor G
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