So after spending the last 8 years riding a Harley Ultra Classic (the biggest of Harleys), he's sold his Harley and I've convinced him to buy a Vespa to scoot around town on. So here's the question - should he get a GT or a GTS? and, how much should he pay for a used one in great shape. So here's what you need to know:
-he lives in Florida
-he's 65 years young
-he's going to use it to cruise from the house to the golf course (very short ride)
-maybe he'll go to the convenience store/home depot/random errands
-he'll never go on a highway
-he'll never use it for a long ride
-Yes - he could probably get away with an ET but he wants something a bit bigger - I agree with him.
So let's here what everyone thinks - I'll pass this along to him to see your thoughts. By the way - if you have other scooter suggestions - MP3 etc., let me know.
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