Ok, I I was replacing the bendix on my GT 200, I find out that I can't with out removing the nut that holdes the diving pulley. Nothing I was trying was working so I eventualy went and got a impack wrench, but not before I broke one of the fins on the half pulley.
My problem: I got the bendix replaced and that now works like a charm. but since I broke a fin I had to remove the half pulley to remove the broken fin, I also ended up removing everything but the fixed plate. Kind of wanted to see what was in there.
Now, the GT starts just fine but it won't stay running and when it is on, it sound loud and not right. There are 3 things I think it could the culprits, I was thinking wondering if there was someone out there that can maybe shine some light for me
#1 The system was bone dry, no lube, but it's not like I cleaned it of, so it had no lube to start with and it has done good for me before. So thatone of me is a needs improvment area but I dont think the culpriate.
#2 Like I said I did break one of the fins, but removed the broken piece, and will be replacing it as soon as i get the part, But not sure how a missing fin would affect performance? , could a broken fin explain the harsh sound of the GT or maybe even the failure to stay on.
#3 Now the final and the one I'm most worried about.--Putting it back together I'm pritty sure I did it right. and I followed the diagrams i had. But something didn't seam right to me. first, the belt seams to lose, as if when it would be running it would be rubbing agains the edge of the crank case. and it also didn't seam like it was completly in the same plane, it seamed like the wraped around the drive pulley was a little more forward than it should of been. But i slide the half pulled with the little wheals all the way in and the nut at the end fit right in like it was before?
Ok now it's you peoples turn, what do u all think, and also would I do any harm if i tried to start it with the crankcase cover of to try to see what was going on?
thanks, I'll be waiting Impatiently at my desk!!!!