I got my first scooter. I don't know anything about scooters or Vespa's, but when I came across it, I knew it was something I had to have. It isn't perfect but I like it like that.
First dumb question. Is it a scooter or a moped?
question 2; when I look through the California DMV manual, I don't see what type of vehicle it is to study. Do you know?
question 3, does it have to have side mirrors for rear viewing to operate? question 4, when it doesn't start first kick, what does this mean?
question 5, will this be an expensive hobby?
question 6, will it ever be inspected for driving by anyone, such as CHP, Police, or do they not care, as long as the front and rear light works?
quesion 7, any other hints or responses of questions I didn't ask, feel free to respond.
thank you.