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So a new set of tires are about to be needed for my LX, and since I've decided to totally write off my local Vespa dealer (for a laundry list of reasons) I've decided to research and purchase them online, and find alternative resources to have them mounted.

I planned on removing the wheels myself and taking them to where ever. Does anyone know if your typical car tire shop is capable of mounting to such a small rim?

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In my experience with the "typical" tire shop....no.

Calling first may or may not help. I would get a "yes," drive on down with the tire, and after they looked at it, get a "no."

But after about a day, I found an independent tire shop not far from my house that had no problem at all. "Oh, a scooter tire" they said when I dropped by. Razz emoticon

There may be others here from your area who will see your post and save you a bit of searching.
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'80 P200E, '76 Primavera 125 ET3. '59 Vespa 150
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I can recommend motorcycle superstore. They have great prices and fast shipping on scooter tires often with free shipping.


any motorcycle shop should mount them for you. If you are handy with a wrench the wheels are not that hard to remove. It's cheaper if you bring the wheels in off the bike. Some motorcycle shops may not want to take them off the scooter if they are not familiar with Vespas.

call around to you local motor cycle shops for prices.

This may help as well:

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