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Et4 pre leader, sparking and running fine then, no spark, Put the tester on it and it started sparking again, Im about to sell it, But really wanna keep it, Could it be the CDI ?, The other coil i tried was from a skipper but that still would have worked ?.

any feedback appreciated

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Would the CDI spark one min and not the next, Because i thorght when the CDI goes it goes no spark at all,

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Just tapped a live wire from the battery to the ht lead, And now its sparking, Faulty CDI ?
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Gobshite Shiva
Kymco Downtown 300i the 'Dolphin Noise'
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Gobshite Shiva
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Kymco Downtown 300i the 'Dolphin Noise'
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sorry, can't help you with the no spark issue but i've changed the title of your post in hopes that it might bring you some more helpful responses.
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