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I'm interested in a GTS 250 carrier - Hitch mount. Any recommendations?
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If I understand your question correctly, Versa-Haul and Tilt-a-Rack get good reviews on MV. I would stay away from the no-name brands. I have a Versa-Haul and I like it. But watch the toungue weight capacity on your vehicle.

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Go for the versahaul, it's more heavy-duty. Comes with a ramp to load.

Like PP said, watch your tongue weight of your vehicle (much different than the trailer weight (towing capacity). For a GTS, you best have a full size+ truck or a motor home.

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Tongue Weight
Absolutely right - I'm out - for my RX 300 - I have only room for another 150 lbs beyond the weight of the Versa Haul. (Versa Haul has a terrific web site with rankings of tongue weight of all cars for all years).

Oh well!!!

Thanks so much.
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The problem with most mid-size SUVs is that they just don't have much in the way of rear springs--and adding a 350# load to the back, sticking out a couple of feet from the rear bumper, really squishes the back end of most of them down a lot. Worse yet, it unloads the front end as well, and with some vehicles that makes things pretty squirrely.

If you decide to get a more capable vehicle, though, you'll find that the Versa Haul is a superb carrier. I've used mine many times now, and it works very, very well--easy to load, very stable on the road, etc. My vehicle is a 96 Ford Ranger, without extra heavy springs, and it handles the LX150 just fine. A heavier scoot might be a problem for my little truck, but not for the Versa Haul, which is really over-built.

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The new Tilt-A-Racks are very nice! Primarily aluminum construction, so they only weigh about 60 lbs. Saves tongue weight, and makes it easier to install and remove.
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