A fellow wanted to clear some doubts before withdrawing his hard-earned money for an MP3 400. these were his questions and the answers that he got:
01) how accurate is the fuel tank meter?
- Very accurate. When I pump full tank it shows F, when it's empty it shows E - every time!
02) how did you guys run in the bike?
- With much difficulty, it's so cramped in there we can hardly walk, let alone run.
03) since the engine's max RPM is 9500, what is the rpm when you cruise at, say 90km/h?
- I assume RPM means Race Police Motorcycles. Since the max speed of the MP3 400 is roughly 150km/h so if you cruise at 90km/h you should be able to race at least 5,700 police motorcycles. very easy because in Singapore you can hardly see more than 2 police motorcycles together at one time.
04) what would really happen to the bike if i do not change my rollers and u-shoe after 2 years?
Nothing will happen to your bike, but your shoes may need changing, especially in our humid weather where your feet tend to get a little sweaty, smelly and moldy. why do you wear "u" shoes anyway? are you a horse?
05) when do i know i need to change my rear (clutch) set?
When the noisy Chinatown trishaws with fat tourists on them clock better 0-100km/h times than you.
06) does the 400 have both of the headlights switched on together?
No, but they can definitely switch off together.
I hope I answered all your questions so go ahead and book your MP3!
Here's the link: