I just found a crack at the front mounting bracket area of the Air Filter Box.
Look at the air filter box from the back up near where it connects to the intake tube. There is a mounting screw up there. The crack is right in that area. Would take a picture but my camera battery is still dead. Will get a picture tomorrow.
Both the lower mounting bolts had fallen out at some point and the box was flopping around for a few days till I found the bolts gone. This was at around 1,200 miles, have 6,699 on it now. Last air filter cleaning I noticed some dust in the air filter clean area, but could not find a cause. Well when checking my tire pressure today I noticed a Clean Area in all the dust on the outside of the back side of the air box. Grabbed my magnifying glass and saw that it was a crack. Just cleaned it off and put some silicone on it till I get a Rear Filter Box under warranty. Calling dealer in the morning.
Wayne B