just been back from a week there seeing relatives/friends
couldn't help snapping photos from every scooter bay on my way, so I decided to make an album as my family really doesn't care about random scooter photos... but I take you do!
I loved the parking bays - which are free, mind, my favourite ones were those in Trieste, assigned space, no jamming a scooter against the other, and free... really feel like sending some prints to City of Westminster over here in London! teach them how it's done! Oh, and did I mention... FREE?
hey ho, hope you enjoy!
Scooter Diaries Photo Album
ps: I have a couple of geeky videos too, but they're in Portuguese and I look pathetic, my voice sounds it too, so I won't bother!
ps2: on the two Scarabeo's "called" 'Paul' and 'John' - I can explain.. my fella's Scarabeo same model in navy is called 'George' due to "The Beatles", scarabeo meaning beetle in Italian, etc.. so those were obviously Paul and John. Ringo lives down the road here in London (actually on Abbey Rd! Champagne colour, brown seat!) hence not identified in Italy.