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My LX 150 (used) did not come with the tool kit. Easy enough to put one together, but what size is the spanner for adjusting the rear shock? Anyone know of a good source?
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Re: LX 150 Shock Spanner Size
SJBerg wrote:
My LX 150 (used) did not come with the tool kit. Easy enough to put one together, but what size is the spanner for adjusting the rear shock? Anyone know of a good source?
Did you look under the seat? There should be a small black plastic roll-up in the center of the seat bottom. Inside will be the plug wrench and the spanner.

I can't understand why someone (PO) would want to keep those tools. They are pretty basic and pretty cheap.
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As I recall, the same tool is used on many motorcycles to adjust rear-shock preloading. You can probably find a tool that will work at your local Honda or Yamaha dealer if there's no Vespa dealer handy.
@burgman400 avatar

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spanner tool
The tool that comes with the Vespa LX150 is nearly useless. It is very low quality.
@cary_alburn avatar

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The tool that comes with the Vespa LX150 is nearly useless. It is very low quality.
...but it does work as intended. Add the spark plug wrench as a cheater bar, and it works well. Pre-oil the adjustment ring with a little silicon spray or even WD40, and it works extremely well.

@firej avatar

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make your own took kit ,

SEARS Has it all

get a 6 in one screw drive

you should never need to ajust the shock unless your a (BiggeN) and might need it ajusted

the spark plug wrench you might want to get at a vespa shop its very small and hard to fit anything else in that area , I know thats what she said!!
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spanner tool
quote but it does work as intended. Add the spark plug wrench as a cheater bar, and it works well. Pre-oil the adjustment ring with a little silicon spray or even WD40, and it works extremely well.


Wow you had much better luck than me. Even after oiling the ring the tool would continue to slip off. It probably took 20 minutes to do a 2 minute job. I will probably never do it again because of the poor quality tool.
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Are you sure you pointed it the right direction? Even as cheap and cruddy as the tool is, it still worked fine for me, staying on without difficulty. I played with all of the adjustments, just to see how each felt--the first time was without oiling and without the "cheater", and although it was stiff, it worked OK--just worried I'd bang my hand.

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