Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
Joined: UTC Posts: 1668 Location: LOS ANGELES
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
Joined: UTC Posts: 1668 Location: LOS ANGELES
Hey all,
The winds have been picking up here in LA. I'm being blown around a bit on my MP3 250 a little. My ET4 would really get tossed around in the wind so I've been enjoying my MP3 250 more lately. Enjoying Halloween season here.
Just checking for those who have ridden both the MP3 250 and 500, does the wind toss you around on the road the same? Or does the more weight on the 500 keep you more grounded in your lane?
I'm already thinking about going bigger.....
MP 3
Joined: UTC Posts: 627 Location: Lehigh Acres, Florida
MP 3
Joined: UTC Posts: 627 Location: Lehigh Acres, Florida
The 250 is a little over 400lbs, + your weight would bring it over 500lbs. If you are going for the 500 because of the wind, then that's up to you, but I have a 250 and have gone through some windy days, but I just hold on tight to those handle bars. Remember this however, the faster you go, the lighter you are to the road so slow down a bit when it gets windy.
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
Joined: UTC Posts: 2673 Location: Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
Joined: UTC Posts: 2673 Location: Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
After riding both, I can safely say that there is a difference you can feel in the 500. I think that its not just a weigh issue, but also the fact that the 500 has less large panels directing crosswinds and more black metal vents/mesh. I'm not sure how this might affect the crosswinds on it, but I do know that compared to my 250, I feel less buffeting off of semi trailers or at higher speeds from other cars. That being said, before I got an aftermarket windscreen, the 250 feels like a touring bike from headwinds compared to the 500, which gave all the wind to me directly on my chest and strained my arms to hold onto. After the screen, that was completely alleviated.
Molto Verboso
MP3 500, Honda PCX
Joined: UTC Posts: 1123 Location: Dallas, TX
Molto Verboso
MP3 500, Honda PCX
Joined: UTC Posts: 1123 Location: Dallas, TX
I was on a road trip last weekend, did 250 miles on Sunday in a substantial crosswind - 20 to 30 mph. I have an F1 windscreen and was able to ride mostly at 78 mph per the speedometer all day. Don't know if that info helps. You do know, however, that the 500 weighs 535 or so dry.
MP3 500
Joined: UTC Posts: 2 Location: San Antonio
MP3 500
Joined: UTC Posts: 2 Location: San Antonio
Texas Wind ...
I catch crosswind sometimes .. just today in fact .. on my 500. It caught me
by surprise, but it didn't really do anything other than make me drift over a
couple of feet in my lane. I was going about 70 around a curve and over a
high hill when it swept across me. That was my first experience of that sort
on the new scoot.