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Molto Verboso
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'95 Yamaha Riva 125- '05 Piaggio BV200-'05 Honda Reflex-'08 Honda Metropolitan
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Vic Mackey wrote:
Try this link. It points to the hose. I think it's "clear" in the photos here, ours is black. I zip-tied it to a hose near it to keep it in place.

Did you plug the hose ? Did you put anything over the port on the carb ?
No. I'm going to look into making some type of filter to put on the carb port. - That will be one of the things I do over Winter. 70 degrees today!!!

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No kidding weather is supposed to be great till the end of the week. Hard to believe you can ride in this kind of weather in November in Ohio.

I'll ask one of the guys in our machine shop about a filter for the end of the carb port. They do all kinds of custom work and might know how to come up with something.
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Don't forget to check that fuel filter. Several years ago, I had a motor doing the same thing you are talking about. It was a piece of dirt in the fuel filter that was moving around. Under acceleration, the dirt would move up and plug enough of the filter that the engine would starve out. I replaced the filter and problem solved. My rule has always been it is something cheap (like a fuel filter) that brings an expensive machine to an unintended halt.
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Talked to our mechanic about closing off the carb port and he gave me a vacuum stop. It's basically a piece of hose with one end closed off. He said any auto parts store will have 'em. They come in various diameters to fit typical size hoses.

After I wrote this I'm wondering if you have to have "outside" air coming into the port instead of closing it completely off ?
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The carb port should not be blocked off. Read this procedure before doing anything.

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Thanks I should have read the post a little closer. The T sounds like a good idea.
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Went down to the Vespa dealer in Athens, OH yesterday evening to get an oil filter and the mechanic was still there.

I told him about the trouble I've been having after the last 2 fillups and he was scratching his head too. But he told me he was going to be in Piaggio training all next week so he'd bring it up and see what they had to say.

I wrote all the information down this morning and faxed it to him so he'd remember exactly what the problem is.

We'll see if they can figure it out. I won't have to fill up until next week but I'll pull the EVAP hose off this weekend to see if that helps when I fill up.
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I happened to talk to the service guy at my local dealer about the 600 mile service on my "new" LX 150.

He recognized my name and asked if I'd gotten the problem with the BV 200 fixed. I told him I took off the EVAP hose at the carb and that took care of it.

He said their mechanic asked about it at Vespa school in California and they told him the same thing.

Wish he would have told me about it !

BTW my 600 mile check up is going to cost me $124.60
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