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So I have a brown key and a blue key. The brown key is stored safely and I use the blue key daily. I would like at least one additional key made. So do I send the blue and use the brown while the blue is away, or send the brown and use the blue as normal, hoping that the USPS does not lose my brown key? Not sure of the standard operating procedure....

Thanks for the advice.
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You can buy a blue key blank at your Vespa dealer and then have it cut locally, assuming that you have a competent key maker--that's what I did. Or you can send off your blue key and order a duplicate from one of the online key services--they'll send both keys back (hopefully). Then you follow the instructions in your manual to set the chip in the new blue key.

You don't ever want to let your brown key get away from you.

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I would send the blue. The brown key is not leaving me. I would rather trust myself than the psotal service.

I think everyone else would agree.

Why do you NEED three keys? Just interested. I have never needed spare keys. (Now I have just tempted fate.... )
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I had the dealer bring in a key blank, went to a dealer recommended locksmith to have it cut, then returned to the dealer to have them help me use the brown key to "set" the two blue keys. They had never done it before, so after about 10 tries I got them to download the instructions from MV and we got it to work.

There have been reports of the Piaggio keys having faulty chips or no chip at all, but this was before those reports. I felt that by having the dealer bring in the key and having them recommend a locksmith, if there was a problem I wouldn't have to pay for it.

Give me a minute and I'll try find the instructions.
Edit: Here you go. Oh , this was before the days of Jimh...

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Many here have sent their brown key to jimh with great results and outstanding service. Just be sure to insure the brown key for a huge amount when you send it. I think I insured mine for $500. He's very fast and sends you all the codes and info as well. Inexpensive, too!!
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