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Does Piaggio ship UK market Vespas with the headlight tilted towards the left due to the side of road we drive on?

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El Macho
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El Macho
@dougl avatar
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Don't even start me on this one!!!!

Look at the LXV and GTV. RHD market versions get a PROPER H4 headlamp whereas the UK gets a crappy Bosch ba20d fitting (35w). LX is the same. ET was the same on the later models. I think earlier ones all had the Bosch globe tungsten filament.

GTS is the only UK version that gets H4, same as Europe. I don't think it dips to the left like a car, just down. I am pretty sure the other LHD versions must dip to the RIGHT, otherwise we would get H4 bulbs too.....

I think all the Euro versions dip to the right apart from the GTS.

'Mericans, does your headlamp dip just downwards or does it dip to the right on the GTS???
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I am asking since I might do some extensive touring around Europe, would rather not use the black strips to avoid looking like a tourist, my numberplate is enough (and something im proud of - black stips are not!)

thank you for your helpful answer. So, GTS, ET and LX use the same bulbs/lamps as in Europe? There is no dipping towards the right nor left, i.e. they only dip one way, whatever way that is... (down?) Except the GTS here?

Any ideas about the PX series?
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El Macho
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KTM Super Duke 1290, Vespa GTS 300
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I am pretty sure that the UK versions only dip DOWN... I could be wrong.

Point your light at a wall in the dark and toggle between dip and main. If the cut-off point remains flat you don't have a dipping problem. You should be able to see from the cast pattern if there is a problem!
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