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How often does this happen to you?

You are patiently sitting at a red light waiting on it to change when you notice someone trying to get your attention. I had a gentleman stop beside me today, he was in the turn lane with no one in front of him so his stopping seemed a bit odd, I looked over to see him doing a pantomime of driving. He had his hands out like on handle bars moving them back and forth. I raised my visor so I could better answer his question about how it handles. "Great!" He nodded, smiled and continued to look at it for a little longer before moving on. Did I mention he was driving a Hostess panel truck? I think he was imagining himself riding my scoot instead of driving his truck.

My favorite so far has been two rather large intimidating looking fellows in a huge pick-up truck in the left lane. I had taken note of them as I coasted to a stop. I was doing my level best to not pay them any attention thinking, wrongly in this case, they just wanted to harass me. Female on a scooter = easy target. I finally turned my head to see the passenger half out of his window waving, smiling and brimming with questions. More than could ever be answered at a light.

Anyone else have a favorite example of a stop light encounter?
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I was waiting at a light next to a restraunt in a downtown area when a guy came walking out with a napkin still in his hand to ask me the model of my bike Razz emoticon
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I was at a restaurant with 3 other women, all in their 50s and 60s. The dining area was open with full glass panels in front...I sat in a circular booth with my friends wearing my full Toreador Pants. I had my jacket off while dining, so no one would have imagined I was entirely geared up....When we were done and got up to leave, I slipped on my jacket, shook hands with the soldiers in the next booth and left. When I got outside I saw through the full paneled windows the cook come racing through the dining in full view of the open mouth customers and out the front door. He had his full gear on, too; complete with chef's hat and apron..He was glowing and out of breath asking all kinds of questions. Then, as suddenly as he appeared, he raced back through the dining room, past the head bobbing, rubbernecking customers and back to the open grill kitchen. There I stood by my scoot with the entire restaurant full of people staring at me. No pressure, just ride away slowly.

Nahhh, I gunned it outta there. An opportunity too good to miss. It felt g00d. Laughing emoticon
Darn, I should have gotten the meal free, too...
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that stuff happens all the time to me when riding. The funniest was I was juct cruising down an interstate and a guy and his girl slowed way down and let me pass then they sped up and she is hanging out the window taking pics of me, so I did put a little show on and did some swerving so they sould see the front end work. It did look funny she was just a yappin to her boy friend the whole time and grinnin at me takin pics while he's leaning over trying to see.
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Okay, I know I've told this story before, but...

So the first week I had my 250 I was riding around. I had answered a bajillion questions the first week and although I enjoyed it, it was late in the afternoon and I just wanted to get home.

I pulled into a small town on the way home. A truck with a redneck looking fellow revved up beside me and begin yelling and waving. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but the light turned green so I took off. I went about another block to the next red light and he pulls up, still waving. So I think, "Okay, okay. Just answer and move along." I popped up my visor and turned to him to get his first question. He leans out and yells, .....

"You're right blinker is on!"
Since then I have not only avoided making an ass of myself, I've gladly answered all questions because I realized I lost my privilege to refer to anyone as stupid ever again
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+1...Then they will tell you your'e brake light is out after you ride and put on some miles..

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Although not direct questions, I have had some funny reactions.

I was at a light with my wife on the back of the 250. I had this guy in a car stop and actually reverse on this 4 lane road to get a better view of the back.

He was just shaking his head in bewilderment. Both me and my wife were laughing our heads off. Laughing emoticon

And another time, I had these 'young whippersnappers' (I'm 29 now), cross in front of me and were making out like they were walking with a zimmerframe.

They decided to jaywalk as the turn right arrow went green, so I gunned it and headed straight for them. They quickly realised that the MP3 is *not* a mobility scooter
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I was pulling out from the parking lot of a local restaurant and let the guy
on the street go past before getting behind him. All of a sudden he slams on the brakes. I grab a double handfull of my own brake levers and manage
to not hit him from in back. Then he comes out and asks me what was I riding, how much did it cost, and where could he buy one!

I didn't know whether to be pissed or flattered. Probably a bit of both.
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You should've told him you can't purchase one; they're issued to drivers by the DMV who slam on their brakes in parking lots or who leave their vehicles while in traffic.

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luthorhuss wrote:
You should've told him you can't purchase one; they're issued to drivers by the DMV who slam on their brakes in parking lots or who leave their vehicles while in traffic.
Laughing emoticon luthorhuss has my kind of sense of humor.
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Razz emoticon

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I actually had an ambulance pull along my left side...then behind and then my right, yesterday, before blowing it's very ambulance-loud horn right next to me to get my attention. I figured it was coming so I let loose with the Stebel and sped off...

I wish I had gotten a good look at their faces.
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wow, where to begin...lol...I've had other 2-wheelers roll up next to me and ask "how is that thing not falling over" and then explain to them about the tilt-lock.

One cager was in the lane next to me at a light (again with the tilt-lock on) and she stared in disbelief on how I could not fall over...she didn't say a word but she took her foot off the brakes and almost hit the car in front of her.

And then there are the people who are just amazed at this 3-wheeled vehicle and want to know all about it (gas mileage, how does it ride, how fast does it go, etc.)
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One of our club members got an MP3 a couple of months ago. I get a kick out of watching the necks crane as we go down the road.

I'm sure the MP3 has attributed to more than one case of clinical rubber neck.

Piaggio MP3 500
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Stop light theater
I knew before I got it, that this bike was not for introverts. I love the attention it draws, and I'm not above seeking it. At lights with a slight downhill slope, I love to set the wheels, pull up my feet, and let the bike creep ahead by small releases of the brake, just like a car with an auto transmission will do at a light. When I'm feeling really ballsy, I'll surrepitiously lock the parking brake, put my arms out like I'm trying to balance, and slowly pull my feet up to rest on the bike. It helps to give little body wiggles with your arms outstretched, like you're walking a balance beam.

And I'm waiting for the day when I'm feeling like enough of an exhibitionist to do a one-man Chinese fire drill at a stop light. Now that would be a real Candid Camera moment.
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I have an idea for you. When people are staring at a stop light do one of these: Hold the brakes while the tilt lock is engaged and kick your feet both together to each side. Or, set the park brake and tilt lock, get off and walk around the bike, staring in amazement yourself that it isn't rolling or tipping over. Either one should get some stares or maybe a few laughs.

I know it would be fun to do when and if I get an MP3... Laughing emoticon

Hey Crayonator, you sound like someone with my wacky sense of humor.
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kcphoto2008 wrote:
I have an idea for you. When people are staring at a stop light do one of these: Hold the brakes while the tilt lock is engaged and kick your feet both together to each side. Or, set the park brake and tilt lock, get off and walk around the bike, staring in amazement yourself that it isn't rolling or tipping over. Either one should get some stares or maybe a few laughs.

I know it would be fun to do when and if I get an MP3... Laughing emoticon

Hey Crayonator, you sound like someone with my wacky sense of humor.
Freaking hilarious and a very good idea Laughing emoticon
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I live in glendale AZ, and I had a GPD motorcycle cop pull next to me while riding and he couldn't help it and used his loud speaker to complement my mp3. He was not even looking at the road ahead, he was just looking at the bike.

Piaggio MP3 500
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Hey Crayonator, you sound like someone with my wacky sense of humor.
Yeah. Sorry. I forgot to take my medication this afternoon. I'm dying to post pics of the mods I'm considering, but they all involve animal parts. Part of my baggage as a recovering taxidermist.
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