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Indo '71Sprint Veloce, Indo '73 P150S
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I need to put turn sigs on my '76 Sprint and '79 P150S. does anybody make a kit for this purpose?
⬆️    About 1 year elapsed    ⬇️

1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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Don't know either... I'm in the same situation. What did you end up doing?
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Moved to Not So Modern.
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It's easy to find replacement turn signals if your bike was intended to have them. If they weren't designed for them originally, it's fairly difficult and involves replacing or heavily modifying your existing wiring harness, and custom mounting a switch and the signals themselves. It would likely involve adding a battery which you would have to charge manually with a charger, or find a stator plate that has DC charging coils on it. Not the easiest task.

Do you just need them to get through an inspection?

1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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State inspection... Razz emoticon

Signal and headlights have to remain active for 30 minutes after engine ceases.

Bike currently, doesn't have turn signals..

Been thinking about the regulator issue, but haven't gone that far into inspecting it yet. if it is ac, it would be pretty easy with a diode bridge to get the dc. designing a filter to smooth out the ripple isn't too bad either once the output signal is known.
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olstykke wrote:
State inspection... Razz emoticon

Signal and headlights have to remain active for 30 minutes after engine ceases.

Bike currently, doesn't have turn signals..

Been thinking about the regulator issue, but haven't gone that far into inspecting it yet. if it is ac, it would be pretty easy with a diode bridge to get the dc. designing a filter to smooth out the ripple isn't too bad either once the output signal is known.
If they have to keep running after the bike stops, that will absolutely require a battery. I would get some type of generic turn signal kit that's designed to run off DC, and wire it to a battery you stash some where and keep it charged manually with a battery charger.

1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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What generic do you suggest?
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1974 Vespa 90, 09 Buddy 70cc, "lil bastard"
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i checked into this issue and the best/simple thing i can find (sighs) is go to Wally -World, get a 6 volt battery for ATV`s and go to ScooterParts and get a 6 volt Baja signal kit. a trickle charge will keep your battery up during the drain while you are riding.
,, the other option is go to batteries plus and get one from them w/a 12 month warranty and keep bringing it back, kinda cheesy way to do things but they will keep up their end of the deal., not sure about wally world. i use a trickle charge.

1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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1980 P150S 2005 GT200L
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I've serached and searched and this was all I found. It's pretty pricey too


Anyone else have some leads?
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