I was at a Stop sign & about to park on the street here at my building, when a big SUV surprised me as I didn't see it when I was first looking for traffic. I was going to the left slowly & didn't realize there was some gravel underneath me until, all of a sudden, I went down. No injuries to me, thanks to my Joe Rocket jacket, jeans & boots. Hit the kill switch, picked Audrey up & she leaked some gas, prolly whatever was in the tube.
Audrey sustained a scratch on her front fender, in addition to the 3 tubes now dangling from her bottom left side. I was unable to start her so my husband & I walked/rode her down to our parking spot in the garage of the condo. Needless to say, I'm thoroughly discombobulated but at least she didn't leak anything else.
I did an electric start on her today & to my disbelief, she started!
I let her run for a minute or two while I stared at her, thinking that she's come back from the dead! I checked the signals & brake lights - all in working order. No signs of any additional leakage, but I also checked the engine oil & hub oil - levels ok. Come to think of it, I forgot to check the gas level on the dash, but not that much came out before.
So, obviously these tubes need to be connected to whatever/wherever they came from...can anyone shed some light on this? The clear one is the gas line/tube & the other 2 shorter black tubes - I don't know. I'm uncomfortable at the thought of riding to the local shop as I'm afraid I'll get stuck in a busy intersection. Please help!