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silver 2006 Vespa LX 50 named Audrey
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silver 2006 Vespa LX 50 named Audrey
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I was at a Stop sign & about to park on the street here at my building, when a big SUV surprised me as I didn't see it when I was first looking for traffic. I was going to the left slowly & didn't realize there was some gravel underneath me until, all of a sudden, I went down. No injuries to me, thanks to my Joe Rocket jacket, jeans & boots. Hit the kill switch, picked Audrey up & she leaked some gas, prolly whatever was in the tube.

Audrey sustained a scratch on her front fender, in addition to the 3 tubes now dangling from her bottom left side. I was unable to start her so my husband & I walked/rode her down to our parking spot in the garage of the condo. Needless to say, I'm thoroughly discombobulated but at least she didn't leak anything else.

I did an electric start on her today & to my disbelief, she started!
I let her run for a minute or two while I stared at her, thinking that she's come back from the dead! I checked the signals & brake lights - all in working order. No signs of any additional leakage, but I also checked the engine oil & hub oil - levels ok. Come to think of it, I forgot to check the gas level on the dash, but not that much came out before.

So, obviously these tubes need to be connected to whatever/wherever they came from...can anyone shed some light on this? The clear one is the gas line/tube & the other 2 shorter black tubes - I don't know. I'm uncomfortable at the thought of riding to the local shop as I'm afraid I'll get stuck in a busy intersection. Please help!
2 dangling tubes
2 dangling tubes
3 dangling tubes: black in upper left, black in the middle & clear
3 dangling tubes: black in upper left, black in the middle & clear
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Pearl/Blue 2001 ET2
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Can you follow them up to where they go? That will give us an indication of where they might belong (of they belong anywhere).
The clear one is probably the fuel bowl drain.
I can recall a black dangly hose from another thread....can't remember what it turned out to be. Do a search on Hose LX50.
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2007 Sky Blue LX150, 2007 Daring Plum LX 150
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Check out the parts manual in the tech section. The black one appears to be a breather or vent of some sort.
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silver 2006 Vespa LX 50 named Audrey
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@jenscully avatar
silver 2006 Vespa LX 50 named Audrey
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other responses
Thanks guys. I also got other responses from the helpful guys in the Toronto Moto Scooter Club:

Pyro - dont wory most likely gas tank breather hose, crank case breather and carb/injector float overflow, these are suppos to be hanging, some one with same bike should be able tell you exactlu how many breather/overflow hoses you have.
as for not starting when you dropped bike you mearly flooded engine with fuel when on side over time it will clear it self and start right up.

Shane - The tubes hanging are for over flow. I don't have a LX 50 but my scoot has three of them I believe it's carburetor float, gas tank, and one for the battery box.

When you drop your scoot it's normal to get a small bit of gas coming out of these tubes and depending on how far the scooter is on its side it will usually flood the carburetor and or engine. You did good just by letting it set to help the flooded engine dry up and the over flow tubes did their job.

It wouldn't hurt to stop by a dealer as your air filter and air box could have had a nice bath in gasoline this wouldn't cause any real problems but you will notice the smell of gas around your scoot.

Psycho - yep first time I dropped the bike it wouldn't start up right away. Looked underneath bike for any loose connections and found an evap hose that wouldn't connect to anything. Waited a bit and it finally started up. Was told later that reason bike wouldn't start up was flooding and haven't had a problem since with the bike so no worries.

Hope this helps out somebody else too!
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