1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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As much time as I have spent with this problem I already have the two brake wires identified. My brake switch is the normally open style therefore closed when the pedal is released and shorting the tail light out.
I will try a rocker switch as you described. One more question regarding the regulator.
The EIK diagram shows both input and output wires on the same contact at the regulator. I have the input and output on different tabs. I understood that it didn't matter which one was which here but hooking them both to one? What's with that?
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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The EIK uses a single-wire type regulation ...that i never saw before i saw that harness style.

Normally you see regulation as "inline" Power from stator goes in one pole, regulated 12v out the other ...and the 3rd is a redundant ground. ( normally the case for the regulator is also a ground, so if you bolt it directly to the frame and it has good contact, that's all the ground you need. )

1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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SUCCESS ![color=blue][/color I will contact Scooter Works today and order the correct switch. I would like to meet up with you sometime to buy dinner or just a couple beers Eric. Maybe at Bastone out your way. Pleas let me know if and when this works for you.
Your notes to the guy about a year ago on this subject got me 85% of the way here. Thanks for the help Eric.
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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Good. Glad you figured it out.

I'm curious what thread from the past helped you out.

1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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1967 GT, 1946 Simplex
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Hi Eric,
The thread that helped me was this same one Sept. of 2008. The guy from Sweeden. All of the pictures that he sent and your responses got me headed in the right direction. One last question here I hope. Do you know of a normally closed plunger switch that will fit in the stock location? I tried once again to contact Scooter Works for their mythical "technical service department" and as always no one ever returns my call.
You Rock Eric!
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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the words "scooterworks" and "Tech support / service" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

I'm fairly certain you want the "rally style" brake switch. It's the same one they include with the EIK kit, which means it's the one you want, i believe.

at rest, the plunger should be depressed, breaking the connection. When you step on the brake pedal, the plunger extends, and makes the connection.

99% sure that's how this one is. Call Scooters Originali to verify, if you want ..and buy one off of them.

and both largeframe brake switches use the same holes and such.

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