...less fruitful then I hoped. I move my scoot onto level ground and move my pan into position. I then slip a plastic bag over the center stand leg. After moving the scoot onto the stand I have everything set up. I found a metric rachet set in my basement and I have my oil filter and O ring all lined up and ready to go. I look at the oil filter on my bike and... aww [insert expletive here]. It is the old filter with the non hex head. All that work and damn, I have no way to get the filter off.
Making a list for a Sears run later in the week.
1.)Torque wrench
2.)Torx set
3.)Oil wrench
4.)A smidge bigger rachet set for the oil drain nut
Anything I'm leaving out? Last time I work without making absolutly sure that I have the correct tools for the job.