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Took the gt-60 out yesterday on a beautiful thanksgiving day ride to the liquor store. Unusually hot for this time of year. Ride to the french side was fine but when I came back out to start the bike nothing.... Took the engine cover off wiggled a few things and put back on. The scooter roared to life but rough idle and then cut out. Next attempt took about 30 seconds to start with intermittent hiccups. Tank was nearly empty so filled upwith premium and rode home. Does chnge in temperature affect the vespa sometimes? I am also just now due for my 1000km tuneup....could this be fuel filter, air filter?
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Re: Rough rider
klecko wrote:
Took the gt-60 out yesterday on a beautiful thanksgiving day ride to the liquor store. Unusually hot for this time of year. Ride to the french side was fine but when I came back out to start the bike nothing.... Took the engine cover off wiggled a few things and put back on. The scooter roared to life but rough idle and then cut out. Next attempt took about 30 seconds to start with intermittent hiccups. Tank was nearly empty so filled upwith premium and rode home. Does chnge in temperature affect the vespa sometimes? I am also just now due for my 1000km tuneup....could this be fuel filter, air filter?
Could be nothing more than condensation form a mostly empty tank causing water to settle out in your fuel system. Fill it up, and ride it enough to burn through all the gas in the filters, carb, etc. Then start looking at the more difficult things.

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Filled it up and running fine now.....weather has gotten colder as well....we will see...
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