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gts 250 lx 150
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@dani avatar
gts 250 lx 150
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I have a 2006 LX150 Dragon Red with a tall Vepa windshield, matching red Vespa top case, chrome side kickstand, chrome horn cover, chrome front and rear leg/shield protectors, and chrome front fender guard. I paid over $6,000. It has 1,300 miles on it. Have had the 600 mile tune up.

Made a mistake of seating on, then riding a GTS 250-----need I say more?!?! Am now in the market to sell my 150, but not sure of a good asking price.

Any suggestions would be great!!
@vp1 avatar

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@vp1 avatar
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Aww man. I thought I was going to see an entire LX chromed. Body, fender, etc etc.. That'd be cool

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VP1 wrote:
Aww man. I thought I was going to see an entire LX chromed. Body, fender, etc etc.. That'd be cool
HA! Me too!

The last LX150 I sold was a 2006. I got $3800. It had about the same mileage and a top box.
@dani avatar

gts 250 lx 150
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@dani avatar
gts 250 lx 150
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VP1 wrote:
Aww man. I thought I was going to see an entire LX chromed. Body, fender, etc etc.. That'd be cool
I can't seem to load pics on this site----everytime I try, it comes back to say the pixels are too large. An I don't know how to make'm smaller.
@ks7877 avatar

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VP1 wrote:
Aww man. I thought I was going to see an entire LX chromed. Body, fender, etc etc.. That'd be cool
Like this one? Chrome Makes You Faster
@snapshot05 avatar

1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Dani wrote:
VP1 wrote:
Aww man. I thought I was going to see an entire LX chromed. Body, fender, etc etc.. That'd be cool
I can't seem to load pics on this site----everytime I try, it comes back to say the pixels are too large. An I don't know how to make'm smaller.
YOuve got to shirnk it down with some photo editing software. Some photo sharing sites offer that option, you can do it cheesily with MS Excel and Paint but its time consuming.

This is one of my early post that gives you an idea on how to do the Excel Paint resizing:

A way to get around not having any photo software...
Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:58 pm
PC users, you need excel and paint.

1)insert a photo into excel, click on the pic and grab the corners and resize to the size you want, then right click "copy".
2) open paint, edit menu, paste, then save as.
And now you have a way around photo editing software.

You can stick two photo together, like a before and after photo:
Insert two pics, align them how you want, left click on one, then hold shift and left click on the other, then right click a menu should pop up, select group, then you can copy and paste into paint like above.

This isnt the best way, but if you dont have the right programs it works
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